christianwise New Member Posts:24  
7/25/2007 5:49 PM |
im sorry if this makes me uncool i acyually like it. alot. the lyrics are very good and i think they may have noticed there from dublin. so what do you all think anyway.
7/26/2007 11:16 AM |
I think your getting an online cold shoulder. Or they all really like it but are afraid to be the first to say so.
The_Pen15 Basic Member Posts:106  
7/26/2007 12:35 PM |
yeah its actually really good. not really surprised though, its not as if their last two records are as crap as people like to believe
thethirdplace New Member Posts:72  
7/26/2007 2:46 PM |
um........ was never a fan and never will be but surely 'lets bottle bohemia' has to be considered one of the more shockingly bad albums ever released by an Irish Act!!?! Am sorry, but the guy cannot sing live and all the tricks and wonders a studio can do will not shadow that fact for me.
PARTON Basic Member Posts:188  
7/26/2007 11:24 PM |
the last album was absolut sh*te... i think what happened with the the thrills was this; They spent a couple of summers in the states..wrote maybe 40 songs...ALL based on those signed..released the best twelve of those songs did well for them..the recod label said..well hang on.....instead of writing and releasing new stuff..lets just rerecod the next dozen best tracks you already have since the sound is selling...hence letes bottl bohemia being appalling...even for a second album. The reason can almost 100% say that this is true is that I saw The Thrills support the Rolling Stones in 2003..three months after the release of so much for the city.....They played the fist two singles off Lets Bottle Bohemia at teh gig..The album wasnt released for another year and a half.... I have heard the new single and finally it sounds like they have remembered where they're from and wrote some new songs...its pretty good. The online cold shoulder is that this board can sometimes be snobby and frankly a little bit childish....i'll bet everyone has heard the new tune.... bit of a teenager complex around here pun intended...
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
7/27/2007 1:27 AM |
I hear they recorded the album then scrapped it and started again (in Brian Adams studio). Kind of suggests a make or break situation. The single sounds good, I never really felt compelled to get their albums but I like them.
PARTON Basic Member Posts:188  
7/27/2007 1:31 AM |
Yeah you're right, read an interview with Conor Deasy this morning in the free metro paper..recorded in Vancouver.... I liked them at first, hated them after the second album, still have doubts but the new stuff sounds good...think i'll get it anyway..
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
7/27/2007 6:11 AM |
In print, all puns are intended.
christianwise New Member Posts:24  
7/28/2007 5:07 AM |
good to hear that ya all arent teenagers an givin me the internet cold shoulder. and good to see someone agreed with with me about the whole noticin there irish thing. on more listens i really like this album.
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
7/31/2007 9:53 AM |
For me (and for a lot of people, I imagine) it's Conor Deasy's voice that turns me off (I'm listening to 'Nothing Changes Round Here' as I type) - sorry but the guy is almost as bad a singer as Ronan Keating. Which is a shame, because I like that West-Coast sound - but don't you think that his poor voice holds them back? That they have to write songs that he's able to sing? Their songs aren't so terrible; they're just all so similar, predictable and boring.
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
8/1/2007 2:09 AM |
Its one of those voices. I think it can attract and repel in equal measure. I wouldn't have thought their songs are particularly samey, they have a definite sound but I think their songwriting and sense of melody is varied enough, certainly singlewise anyway. They could probably benefit from a stronger singer but then, the Byrds could have benefitted from a stronger singer than Roger McGuinn (the one and only time I'll mention both bands in the same sentence!  ), he's become too engrained in the sound of the band at this stage.
PARTON Basic Member Posts:188  
8/1/2007 2:43 AM |
Plenty of singers cant actually sing.....Its not how well one can sing a song thats makes it good...its the way one sings it...... Celine Dion is a classically trained singer but I'd rather sleep on porcupines than listen to her belt out Tomb Stone Blues......
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/1/2007 3:39 AM |
Posted By PARTON on 26 Jul 2007 11:24 PM The online cold shoulder is that this board can sometimes be snobby and frankly a little bit childish....i'll bet everyone has heard the new tune.... bit of a teenager complex around here pun intended... I haven't heard it all or if I have heard it Phantom or something, it's gone straight over my head, hence no opinion. Not going to go out of my way to hear it just so I can "get with the program" either though. Theres just so much stuff out there these days it's overwhelming and you can very easily dissapear into your own little musical universe. That's sort of the way music has gone, with the internet and the way even the most obscure stuff is now readily accesible in spades. Peoples tastes are fragmented, pop(ular)music is dead, at least in the "Top of the Pops/Smash hits" sense where everyone has a common point of reference and kids have epic playground debates about the charts (e.g. Blur Vs.Oasis). I haven't decided if this is a good or a bad thing overall, but it does make me a little sad.
PARTON Basic Member Posts:188  
8/1/2007 4:00 AM |
"Top of the Pops/Smash hits" sense where everyone has a common point of reference and kids have epic playground debates about the charts (e.g. Blur Vs.Oasis). I haven't decided if this is a good or a bad thing overall, but it does make me a little sad." me fun any more...i know music is more accessible and for artits its easier to get tunes out there...but to be honest you would need ALOT of time on your hands to keep up with everything and as a result Its become boring in alot of ways...Its hard to get excited about a pending release now..chances are some IT head has gotten a leak and you can go to a website and listen without waiting... etc fun anymore music for me was always fun....listening, arguing and going out and buying an album, the wait till you got home to listen to it and the happiness it brought.... teenagers must be soo fookin overwhelmed these days....
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
8/1/2007 4:54 AM |
Posted By PARTON on 26 Jul 2007 11:24 PM i think what happened with the the thrills was this; They spent a couple of summers in the states..wrote maybe 40 songs...ALL based on those signed..released the best twelve of those songs did well for them..the recod label said..well hang on.....instead of writing and releasing new stuff..lets just rerecod the next dozen best tracks you already have since the sound is selling...hence letes bottl bohemia being appalling...even for a second album. The reason can almost 100% say that this is true is that I saw The Thrills support the Rolling Stones in 2003..three months after the release of so much for the city.....They played the fist two singles off Lets Bottle Bohemia at teh gig..The album wasnt released for another year and a half.... have you forgotten that it probably took over a year between the writing of those original songs and the release of 'so much for the city'?... do you not think it possible that they could have penned two new songs in the interim?.... ...sounds like a pretty shoddy '100% sure' to me... ...i haven't heard the new single... i don't listen to phantom...
PARTON Basic Member Posts:188  
8/1/2007 6:10 AM |
Well, no actually, its extremely unsual that a band 4 months after the release of an album play tunes that are gonna be the lead singles on an album a year and a half later..not just any "penned two new songs in the interim".... which would suggest to me that Lets Bottle Bohemia was the result of 10/12 tracks lying on the shelf from the original sessions for So Much For The City..... Anyhow, the new tune is worth a listen....I think its really good.
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
8/1/2007 7:54 AM |
Posted By PARTON on 01 Aug 2007 6:10 AM Well, no actually, its extremely unsual that a band 4 months after the release of an album play tunes that are gonna be the lead singles on an album a year and a half later..not just any "penned two new songs in the interim".... is it really? not with a lot of bands i listen to that's not to say you're not right...