Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
6/27/2007 5:42 AM |
You hear some music that hits all the right buttons and until you find out who it is, whatever you were just doing takes a backseat. It’s a great feeling. It could be the beginning of a long, exhausting, financially crippling relationship with your new favourite band - that’s if you're lucky - or it could just be a one-off song from a band or artist that ordinarily you wouldn't bother with. I wish I had the 'moment' more. Despite listening to a lot of new music on the radio/internet (as well as that you're still surrounded by music everywhere you go) it's still a rarity to be knocked back by a song when you're not expecting it, for me anyway. It happened a lot more when I was younger, my tastes were more limited then. I suppose I was a little less cynical aswell. So how often to you have 'the moment' ? How aggressive do you become trying to find out who it is? What do you find is the best source for this type of thing - Clubs/pubs, Ads, movies, tv shows, radio, tescos…..mass? And what was your most recent ?
6/27/2007 6:55 AM |
Unfortunately it doesn't happen to me that often but when it does it's deadly! The last time it happened was either Jose Gonzalez 'Heartbeats' on the Sony TV ad or 'Wake Up' by the Arcade Fire which I think was on Tom Dunne. Can't remember which came first. But I went out of my way to find the songs. Shit though, you know what, there is a song at the moment that really hooked me instantly - you know the new one by Kings Of Leon, something about "back to the rhythm and back to the beat on/of the radio". I can't think of the name of it though. Amazing tune. That's all I got. Great topic though Peejay *round of applause*
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
6/27/2007 6:56 AM |
I had that moment recently in a shop in Chicago where something came on the stereo which can only be described as techno, grimey, deep south hip hop. I still don't know what it is. Films and clubs are always good for it, I think.
mixtapepublicity Basic Member Posts:187  
6/27/2007 7:27 AM |
A while ago I heard a song that I loved immediately and possibly recognised from a long time ago, all I had to go on was that it mentioned something about "plans" and "Michael". A couple of days ago I at last downloaded "Making Plans For Nigel" by XTC. Ahhh, sweet relief.
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
6/27/2007 7:51 AM |
Films and clubs are always good for it, I think. Yeah, films are good. It already has your concentration and if the music is used well the scene really compliments the music. I find with documentaries though, like those BBC music ones, the tunes always sound great because they just play 5 or 6 second snippets. I've bought whole albums in the past based on a really cool sounding 6 seconds and wondered to myself why I bothered.
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
6/27/2007 8:06 AM |
It happens to me all the time, and I'm no spring chicken. Most recent was this week when I bought the CSS album and The Hold Steady's Boys and Girls in America album. Radio is my main source of great new sounds these days. I got into CSS thanks to Phantom and The Hold Steady single got good airplay on more mainstream stations.
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
6/27/2007 9:49 AM |
Can't think of mine (definitely nothing recently...) but one of my favourite memories is working in Virgin Liffey Valley and my, then, teenage brother wandering in. Up to then his musical taste was similar to my own but he was looking for something a bit heavier. He was on a bit of a mission. I pointed him over to Tool's "Lateralus" playing on a listening post and while I was serving, I watched the "What the f**k is this???!!!" look spread over his face. He stood there for about half an hour. Made me so happy. Not that I'm a Tool fan but within a year, he had new friends, played bass, jammed with a band and was on his way to Ozzfest, his first festival. It was like watching his life change. (* the sentimental tone of this post is probably a result of me just finishing "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" by Michale Chabon. Strongly recommended.)
alameda Basic Member Posts:121  
6/27/2007 9:55 AM |
Posted By Peejay on 27 Jun 2007 7:51 AM Films and clubs are always good for it, I think. Yeah, films are good. It already has your concentration and if the music is used well the scene really compliments the music. I find with documentaries though, like those BBC music ones, the tunes always sound great because they just play 5 or 6 second snippets. I've bought whole albums in the past based on a really cool sounding 6 seconds and wondered to myself why I bothered. speaking of which, the 'Modern Guide to Britain' docu that was on the Beeb recently had some fantastic music on it, from each of the decades it covered from the 40/50s up to present day - fascinating programme too, when it comes to documentaries, aunty can do no wrong!
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
6/27/2007 12:00 PM |
fascinating programme too, when it comes to documentaries, aunty can do no wrong! I would have said the same until I saw 'Seven Ages of Rock'. That BBC2 doc they're showing at the moment. Its poor. The Hendrix one was just a compilation of footage from previous documentaries they'd already mined to death. They seem to think its alright to tie an entire genre to one or two bands and present it as gospel. They've done some great ones in the past. Especially that Soul one from a few years, loved every second of it and learned alot about the music. But this new one is just by the numbers. Still watchable, but poor by their standards. I missed 'Modern Guide to Britain', is it BBC4?
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
6/27/2007 3:35 PM |
I went through a stage where it didn't happen to me for ages but when I moved to Australia it came back with a vengence. I think the main reason for this is the fact that Australia has 2 really, really good radio stations in triple J and FBI which play great music most the time. The most recent song to catch my attention was a Liam Finn song second chance and before that it was a Gotye song hearts a mess. I don't mean to rub your noses in it but we really are spoiled for choice down here in Oz
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
6/27/2007 5:20 PM |
** My life lost something when I finished Kavalier and Clay. Wonderful book.
mixtapepublicity Basic Member Posts:187  
6/28/2007 1:53 AM |
Posted By El Duderino on 27 Jun 2007 3:35 PM I don't mean to rub your noses in it but we really are spoiled for choice down here in Oz I second that, Triple J and RRR got me excited about a whole rake of bands I'd never heard of. Ridiculously talented country, its just a pity it's so isolated from the rest of the world, hard for those bands to break out.
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
6/28/2007 2:57 AM |
| a young teenager sitting watching the rte 2 show that Dave Fanning fronted years ago, on early on a sunday, v early 90's..after 9 mass licking a loop the loop.....he played the black and white video with the shadow boxer (?) for the stunning's heads, classic! Think the mock turtle's can u dig it came out the same week...started getting the charlatans cassettes, stone roses, inspirals, a whole new world...thanks to the stunning 'Sparky's Dream' and ash's 'petrol' were other wow moments PQ
Carlsberg Basic Member Posts:215  
6/28/2007 4:55 AM |
Heard the Death Cab For Cutie opening track off 'Plans' album in UK last year... it stopped me in HMV and i 'think' i may have said out loud 'What the F**k is that'?!?!... great topic Peejay. I could also ref Radioheads 'Creep' when Mr Greenwood did 'THAT' clunk!
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
6/28/2007 4:59 AM |
Think the mock turtle's can u dig it came out the same week... Jeez, I havent thought about that song in years. Takes me back, that one. Its funny, thinking about it now its obviously got My Bloody Valentine written all over it. I was blissfully unaware at the time though. Fanning (and formerly Ian Dempseys) Sunday morning music video marathon was the Beatbox. You were just as likely to get Maria Carey than Nirvana.
crucifixio New Member Posts:89  
6/28/2007 5:25 AM |
There's not that many songs that do it to you. I know that Neutral Milk Hotels "Oh Comely" did it for me and Bright Eyes "Landlocked Blues". Come to mention it My Morning Jackets "Dondante" also did it for me.
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
6/28/2007 5:46 AM |
crucifixio, I like your signature. I'm watching that show again at the moment on DVD, very funny stuff.
muzak Basic Member Posts:112  
6/29/2007 8:36 AM |
Last one was probably "Say Hello to the Angels" by Interpol
beelzebub New Member Posts:4  
6/30/2007 5:17 PM |
the art of incerity by royseven, i was on a bus when sum radio station played it my stop came before it was over,drove me mad trying to find out who it was and hey for an irish band theyre not half bad......
crucifixio New Member Posts:89  
7/2/2007 3:54 AM |
I have Garth Mernghi's Darkplace on DVD and I still piss myself laughing everytime I watch it. Can you get Man to Man with Dean Lerner on DVD? Only saw a few episodes but looked equally as funny! I have to say I love "Say hello to the Angels" - it's amazing live - I hate Oxegen but can't wait to see Interpol!