afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
10/7/2002 10:07 PM |
nothing to do with music but i am bored and this is a debate which was settled when the enterprise pulled into farpoint but i would like the opinion of others on this pressing matter. In a one on one match up who wins kirk the suave yet intellectually challenged ladies man or the sophisticated and brilliantly intelligent ladies man picard. while kirk was all for a good scrap and flying half way across the galaxy the galaxy after some tart h picked up in a bar( all at the cost of the ederation) picard had the ability to destroy his opponents with a well placed quote or a harsh intonation at the end of a sentance, even the mere lifting of an eyebrow would suffice i order for him to bring some opponents o there knees, i will however leae it open to debate and see what the results have to say.......
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
10/8/2002 9:04 AM |
adam west would kick both their asses
'and jesus did feed the fecophiliacs loaves and fish, more specifically pinched loaves and chocolate salmon'
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
10/8/2002 9:32 AM |
Mr. Simpson, We all have nose bleeds...
10/9/2002 1:05 PM |
Hmmmm, well I reckon having seen the "Generations" movie (poor as it was) when Kirk and picard were side by side, I have to say Kirky looked more the part overall. It might be fair to say that Picard can be a bit of a stiff, but storylines were a lot more complex in his shows than Kirk's. Which would swing it back in his favour.......oh f u c k,I don't know, toss a coin
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
10/9/2002 7:48 PM |
that you brid
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
10/10/2002 12:28 PM |
hippychick New Member Posts:12  
10/12/2002 7:31 PM |
What about Pinky -V- the Brain?
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
10/13/2002 7:30 PM |
thats an obvious one, while the brain creates brilliant plan after plan, pinky will always stumble in at the last minute to destroy all of the brains work therefore defeating him, unless of course we are talking about the episode where pinky becomes fantastically intelligent, that of course is an entirely different topic
hippychick New Member Posts:12  
10/14/2002 10:51 PM |
For all his planning and plotting, the brain never really did succeed in 'taking over the whole world', but he came close to it. As for Pinky becoming 'fantastically intelligent' in the last episode, eh... don't remember that, sure you don't have it confused with mighty mouse?
Heres a toughie for you. Batman-V-Spiderman?
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
10/15/2002 11:32 AM |
it was a freak experiment that wore off by the end of the show, it wasn't the last episide though
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
10/15/2002 11:35 AM |
as for superman, batman versus spiderman that is a tough one but at the end of the day actual super powers will beat fancy gadgets and a will to do good over time. For as we all know spiderman was bitten by the spider but batman was just pissed because his parents were killed by the penguin i think it was
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
10/15/2002 12:00 PM |
batman has beaten superman twice already and probably will again as marvel suck cock
'and jesus did feed the fecophiliacs loaves and fish, more specifically pinched loaves and chocolate salmon'
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
10/15/2002 7:20 PM |
thats fair enough supermans ability to win was never in question, the question posed was batman versus spiderman, actually here is an idea for a superhero, betman: he beats his opponents by a series of ruses and high stake bets
hippychick New Member Posts:12  
10/17/2002 1:32 PM |
Its obvious.
Batman would win, because he recruited Robin and Alfred onto his team. Robin the dimwit diverts the attention of the opposition by rhyming off his well-rehearsed catchphrases. Batman has the whole contemplative professor thing goin on, as he ponders and analyses his opponents to death. Alfred is a bonus, a wiseman indeed, Batman's top confidant, the lovable old pro who offers words of wisdom to Batman.
So Batman has everything, Spiderman has nothing. Unless Spiderman and the magnificent Superman join forces. Superman transforms from Clark the office ordinary into mighty superhero and could balance up the difference.
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
10/17/2002 1:36 PM |
i'd have no sympathy for spiderman cos the film was shite and he has kirsten dunst on his site
'and jesus did feed the fecophiliacs loaves and fish, more specifically pinched loaves and chocolate salmon'
hippychick New Member Posts:12  
10/17/2002 1:37 PM |
Batman and the Penguin have serious issues between them, still after all this time, they've met their match. I'd be all for them joining forces and working together in harmony, for the good of Gotham city, if they could trust eachother enough. I haven't a clue what would happen, could bring an end to the war against crime in Gotham, or spark off another saga.
As for Betman, what are you on about... grow up.
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
10/18/2002 4:19 PM |
ah now that is harsh, think of a better one then
hippychick New Member Posts:12  
10/22/2002 3:22 PM |
Its just difficult to see past the renowned superheroes.
Betmans not that bad, don't recall a better one comrade, easy as it seems.
1/24/2003 1:46 PM |
I found this post way back in the old archives about Kirk vs. Picard, but strangely, seems to have ended up as Batman vs Spiderman (??????) Anyway, given that the new Star Trek movie was out this month, did it swing anybody's opinion back in Picard/Kirk's favour?
For the record, I didn't think the film was that great, too similar to The Wrath of Khan in just about every regard..........