Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
5/23/2007 7:04 AM |
Italian consumer groups have argued that Barbra Streisand's concert in Rome next month should be cancelled, saying that her show tickets are too expensive. The Adusbef and Codacons groups have said that prices, which range from €150 to over €900, were "absurd and shameful". They are asking that Rome and the Italian Olympic Committee withdraw permission for Streisand to perform at the Stadio Flaminio on 15 June. In a statement released earlier this week, they said that the 24,000-seat stadium "is public property and cannot be used for immoral deals that are shameful to a civilised country." This Rome date is the first of Streisand's Italian tour, which also includes her first date in Ireland. She plays Castletown House, Co Kildare on Saturday 14 July. Tickets cost from €118.50 to €885 I know that the Streisand concert is aimed at yuppies with more money than taste, but you have to admit its setting a standard that has affected normal concert-goers like us in the past few years. I'm glad they're taking a stand in Italy and I hope that (at the least) it'll put a bit of pressure on promoters who think they have carte blanche to charge anything they like for a night with a legend, and I hope Ireland will follow suit too. The Streisand concert is almost too ridiculous to even discuss, there's other examples of concerts recently where the ticket price was practically plucked out of thin air and reflected no logic or justification for such a price hike compared to similar concerts in the same venue. Seventy, 80, 100+ euros. Should we have to pay that for anyone? New bands, 40 year old bands, stadiums, fifty-seat clubs. Is there any standard for tickets prices anymore, and if not, why isn't there? Rant over.
mixtapepublicity Basic Member Posts:187  
5/23/2007 8:26 AM |
Good on the Italians, although consumer groups world wide can argue that her shows should be cancelled but I doubt they actually will. Her secret strength is in her nose, cut it off and she's as weak as Shaven Samson.
I suggest we all grab some cans of scrumpy, head to Kildare on Sat 14th July with a large bag of rotten fruit, throw them at her white Hummer helicopter, watch as it crashes and burns, then all off to a party in my place.
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
5/23/2007 9:24 AM |
Good on the Italians, although consumer groups world wide can argue that her shows should be cancelled but I doubt they actually will. Well thats the thing. They can name their price safe in the knowledge that it'll sellout. I guess it raises another question. Should the price of a ticket go up in relation to the demand? Babs will sellout, no doubt, but people in their hundreds of thousands won't be clamouring for a ticket. There's not that many middle-aged, golf jersey wearing, Lexus driving Babs fans out there. Alot of the tickets will probably be corporate blocks anyway. So the ticket price doesn't reflect the demand (if it did, everyone in Ireland would want to go). If my favourite band is playing in a stadium somewhere, I consider it a bad thing. Promoters consider it a bonus, and the ticket price goes up. By the way, I hear she gets her power from the Triangle of Zinthar, destroy this and MegaStreisand will fall.
thethirdplace New Member Posts:72  
5/24/2007 6:50 AM |
DId i hear 800 euro for maximum priced ticket for the Irish gig?? Who the hell she think she is. Not even Pink FLoyd would go that far!!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
5/24/2007 7:37 AM |
€515 I heard, wouldn't be surprised if they lumped €300 extra on in fees.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
5/24/2007 7:38 AM |
Fucksake. TM are auctioning off the best seats for babs. Bad move for gig goers.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
5/24/2007 7:45 AM |
Did a quick check on TM. The most expensive not auctioned tickets are €551.75 with €6.35 in fees.
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
5/24/2007 7:58 AM |
Posted By mixtapepublicity on 23 May 2007 8:26 AM Good on the Italians, although consumer groups world wide can argue that her shows should be cancelled but I doubt they actually will. Her secret strength is in her nose, cut it off and she's as weak as Shaven Samson. I suggest we all grab some cans of scrumpy, head to Kildare on Sat 14th July with a large bag of rotten fruit, throw them at her white Hummer helicopter, watch as it crashes and burns, then all off to a party in my place. i laughed, what a fantastic nose indeed the pricing structure is farcicle, another status symbol for the tee-wats of our society PQ
5/24/2007 8:39 AM |
Unfortunately, my mother is a lifelong fan and it's one of her life dreams to see the woman live. (I know, I know....) Ma ain't exactly rolling in it but she's going anyway. Ms.Streisand has only ever played one gig outside the US and this is almost certainly the last chance Mam has to see her. Why must MegaBucks Streisand take advantage of my mother's mental problem?
Ironically, we grew up in Celbridge. Mam waits all her life for a chance to see her and she shows up playin in our back garden.....
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
5/24/2007 9:13 AM |
gd, that's amazing. Is there any bitterness on behalf of your mother for Babs openly ripping her fans off? No amounts of "legendary" or "first time ever"'s can justify that kind of robbery. I kind of feel sorry for any of her fans out there who have to struggle to meet this ridiculous asking price. What a heartless woman (babs, not your ma!)
When I went to see Neil Young in Vicar St. the over the top ticket price immediately killed any kind of atmosphere before he even took the stage. All that people were talking about what how overpriced it was. I wonder will this concert have any affect on Streisands fans.
Paddy O'Candles New Member Posts:3  
5/25/2007 2:43 AM |
First off, I'm now Paddy, not gd_kane. A sign-up mistake.
Surprisingly, my Mam hasnt really complained about the price. She's THAT devoted. I mean, she was all set to travel to France or wherever should Babs ever tour Europe. The fact that she picked Celbridge is so mad, it kind of negates any negativity! She knows it's crazy money but she doesnt care.
There's a surprising amount of fans out there. Straight men too! Not enough to sell out all the 500quid tickets tho!
I tried to think of someone I would pay 500 quid to see live and I couldnt. If they resurrected Elliott Smith, maybe....
PS: I used to be Norman Schwarzkopf on Cluas for anyone who's been pining for me...
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
5/27/2007 10:30 AM |
Well, La Streisand's Rome concert has been cancelled due to 'production difficulties'. I wonder if the main difficulty was getting punters to produce the 800 euros?
Pool Cleaning Guy New Member Posts:70  
5/27/2007 12:30 PM |
Posted By Paddy O'Candles on 25 May 2007 2:43 AM I tried to think of someone I would pay 500 quid to see live and I couldnt. If they resurrected Elliott Smith, maybe.... If the act I loved most in the world showed so little respect for their audience that they thought they could charge 500 smackers, I'd fall out of love with them pretty quick, I think. I saw Elliot Smith in The Funnel on the quays in about 1997 (well, almost - the stage was six inches high, almost as tall as me - you see my difficulty)He was bloody great.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
5/28/2007 1:39 AM |
Arrivederci !! Barbara Streisand has cancelled the opening date of her European tour in Rome next month following international criticism over ticket prices. Organisers have been forced to scrap next month's opening show in Rome, Italy, originally slated to take place on June 15 at the city's Stadio Flaminio, delaying the start of the month-long tour. Consumer groups in Italy earlier this week protested against the show due to the expensive price of the tickets, which range from $200 to more than $1200, calling it "absurd and shameful". The superstar has previously defended the high prices because part of the proceeds will go to her charity the Barbra Streisand Foundation. Streisand is still due to perform as scheduled on June 21 in Vienna and the rest of the dates for her European tour will now be revised and announced in the next few days. However, a spokesman for the star denies the cancellation is a result of criticism over the ticket prices.
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
5/28/2007 2:04 AM |
Ha hah! Brilliant. She'll probably quadruple the t-shirt prices for the Irish gig to compensate. the proceeds will go to her charity the Barbra Streisand Foundation. Ah, she's trying the guilt trip. This tour practically needs a charity to help fans afford a ticket. (by the way, I like how there's links at the bottom of this page in case we wanted to buy tickets for her London show)
The_Pen15 Basic Member Posts:106  
5/28/2007 2:47 AM |
At the end of the day its only money. Sure its a rip off but if it was an act I genuinely wanted to see I'd pay the cost more than likely.
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
5/28/2007 3:06 AM |
It's only money, eh? Riiiggghhht....
Doubt Babs goes the t-shirt route to be honest. Probably selling commemorative sets of cutlery or monogrammed silk scarves. (Which would, incidentally say "BS".)
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
5/28/2007 3:24 AM |
Posted By The_Pen15 on 28 May 2007 2:47 AM At the end of the day its only money. Sure its a rip off but if it was an act I genuinely wanted to see I'd pay the cost more than likely. Thats the whole point of this thread. The cost of seeing your favourite band is getting higher and higher because people like Streisand and others are charging (and getting away with) ridiculous ticket prices. It might be nothing to you, but I can't afford €70+handling charge for a two hour concert.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
5/28/2007 4:23 AM |
HELLO DOLLY, GOODBYE LOLLY Sorry just had to ;-)
5/28/2007 5:05 AM |
To be honest giving out about this is a waste of time, i mean the market that this concert is aimed at can afford to go anyway. They are hardly the same crowd who show up at crawdaddy or ep every other year anyway ye know? so therefore her concert prices are not going to affect others. Frankly if any of you lot were that concerned y'oud have realised that a concert by Andrea Bochelli cost 150 euro last he's a classical tenor. Do you believe that Andrea Bochelli affected ticket price trends??? not really.... The fact is that Streisand for example has 40 years in film and music and to be honest i cant stand any of her work, but she is probably one of the most famous and successful entertainers of all time. (in fact she is the single biggest selling female ever) Overall, I think that ticket prices as a general rule in this country are nonsense. I'll make a quick point, Arcade Fire, 2 albums, 2 hours thereboyts of work in their entire career..charged 44 euro at face for standing in the Olympia. Now; bear in mind that they are an oustanding act who no doubt have a huge future; at present they have two albums. Streisand has over 40 years of albums..if you could for a moment forget the style of music she produces, in economic terms and value to her fanbase, there is alot more offered. Certainly more than two albums. ALL TICKETS are a rip off in this particular festiavl if on one hand you are insane about the price of Barbara Streisand yet still shifting over 220 lids for a weekend with up and comers in a field in you not think you are contradicting yourself? Where were all the protestors at the Arcade Fire gig??? or Oxygen??? HYPOCRITES, which is why the promotor know they can get away with it every time...