Carlsberg Basic Member Posts:215  
5/21/2007 3:39 PM |
Morning.. Ello Ello I went travelling around YouTube recently, last night in fact, and went hunting for Songs from Eurovision's earlier years which I remembered as being "good at the time" and often found myself humming in recent years... cough cough.. However, having found all those tunes since, it must be said, my taste was up my Ass!! Nevertheless, I did find this beauty (literally) from 2003's Eurovison and i would like to place it in the unofficial Cluas Top 10 Eurovision songs. When i finished staring at Brigetta I discovered that this was actually a very half decent tune for Eurovision Standards and her vocal performance is among the best I have heard at this level. So, anyone wanna rival my baby!? Lets start with Points out of 10!
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
5/22/2007 1:51 AM |
just looking at the crowd in the run in to the tune got me thinking, who the hell goes to these things?
Does Daniel O'Donnell bring his roving band of deviants with him, luring them to Europe's hottest destinations with the promises of free car park gigs, and shandy fueled shenanigans?
if the only other gig in town is the inbreeding match making fair to the tune of the local flagellant band, surely it'd be a close call!?!
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
5/22/2007 2:52 AM |
Posted By Daragh on 22 May 2007 1:51 AM just looking at the crowd in the run in to the tune got me thinking, who the hell goes to these things? Its an Event. People are sluts for 'Events' that would normally not be interested in.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
5/22/2007 5:05 AM |
aye, weird though, crappy way to spend an evening me thinks.
in terms of best eurovision entries i've no idea, i do get that "we were rock and roll kids" song in my head every now and then, though i haven't heard it since. Perhaps the best thing to come out of the eurovision was Riverdance, and Abba i suppose. if you replace best with most successful.
Idiot Kid Basic Member Posts:217  
5/22/2007 5:49 AM |
Posted By Daragh on 22 May 2007 5:05 AM i do get that "we were rock and roll kids" song in my head every now and then, though i haven't heard it since. Oh dear lord, I hadn't thought about that song in years.
mission critical New Member Posts:10  
5/22/2007 6:30 AM |
France Gall - "Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son". Best Euro Song Ev er. Edit: here's the link
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
5/22/2007 8:47 AM |
ha, quality mission critical. gets my vote anyways! the only thing that could possibly make it better would be if she happened to be singing about her rampant rabbit, always seems to have a little grin!
Pool Cleaning Guy New Member Posts:70  
5/22/2007 11:49 AM |
Posted By Mully on 22 May 2007 2:52 AM Posted By Daragh on 22 May 2007 1:51 AM just looking at the crowd in the run in to the tune got me thinking, who the hell goes to these things? Its an Event. People are sluts for 'Events' that would normally not be interested in. Spoken like a true Bohs fan, Mully. :-)
5/22/2007 3:31 PM |
Posted By mission critical on 22 May 2007 6:30 AM France Gall - "Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son". Best Euro Song Ev er. Edit: here's the link Arcade Fire have covered this!
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
5/23/2007 2:20 AM |
Posted By Pool Cleaning Guy on 22 May 2007 11:49 AM Spoken like a true Bohs fan, Mully. :-) Indeed. Can't you taste the bitterness !
mission critical New Member Posts:10  
5/23/2007 7:09 AM |
Posted By vb7000 on 22 May 2007 3:31 PM Posted By mission critical on 22 May 2007 6:30 AM France Gall - "Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son". Best Euro Song Ev er. Edit: here's the link Arcade Fire have covered this! No Way? Any good? I've heard Belle and Sebastian's take on it. Pretty much identical. Really great song.
thethirdplace New Member Posts:72  
5/24/2007 6:44 AM |
That girl Brigetta has a superb voice & its a very Good song. Daragh, i had long forgotten that Rock N Roll kids track.. now i keep singing it, thanks man!!
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
6/1/2007 12:43 PM |
I can't remember any recent decent Euro songs. however, I remember an Irish-language song from the National Song Contest back when I was about 8 or so, in the 1980s. It was called 'Sin Sin' ("That's That"), it was a real '80s pop song and I can remember the chorus perfectly. I can even sing it. It went something like: "Sin Sin! Bhris tu mo chroi Sin Sin! 's ta me ag gui Ach failte romhat ar ais aris..." Am I the ONLY person in the world who remembers this? Or was it a dream? Anyway, good call on 'Poupee de Cire' (written by Serge Gainsbourg). I guess 'Waterloo' is too obvious to post here (being 'douze points' on both pop brilliance and good-looking femaleness) but here's a Eurovision winner that's half-Irish-written, features a groovy chick and is just plain brilliant:
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
6/1/2007 12:53 PM |
Ah, feck being obvious. Here it is - although, like 'My Lovely Horse', they should have gotten rid of that sax solo:
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
6/1/2007 4:56 PM |
What's the syntax for posting Youtube videos?
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
6/2/2007 5:35 AM |
On my "graduation" from Primary school night, we all had to sing "Rock N Roll Kids". I always mimed when in the (mandatory) choir. The thing is, the lyrics had been altered by another class to make it apply to the tastes of that generation. I'll wager it's the only version of Rock N Roll Kids that ever mentioned Slayer in the lyrics.