8/30/2002 2:08 PM |
Listo are realising there first single in the Temple Bar Music Centre on September 7th (sat nite doors 8.00 bell. price 6 yoyos)
If your into some real explosive electro,punk,baggy rock well there's no better way to spend the price of a big mac meal. So come along for a real horrorshow experience and see what Listo are like with a full band. Raw Power..................
chocolate man New Member Posts:7  
8/30/2002 4:19 PM |
give me a break please.Listo nah you should be should be called big dickheads who think there good because "we're into dance music as well as the 60's and we might even go to creamfields an do a yoke" But don't let my "mammy" find out or she'd make me cut my hair and then i won't be able to hang around tbmc.
p,s..............................................................................................listo stink of cow manure
I like jam bons
9/2/2002 10:03 AM |
Chocolate man should have his balls cut off. You should get a job with those shower of c u n t s at hotpress. I'd say you'll be the type who will be up the front at the next Damien (d i c k swollower) Rice concert.
I pitty poor p r i c k's like you.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
9/2/2002 10:43 AM |
Listo are a brilliant live experience...total disregard for rules and regulations...great energy and great music. I can only presume Choc fuck that you haven't bothered to see them live before making your sweeping statments. PS - what has hair got to do with music anyway?
9/2/2002 10:45 AM |
You really are a closed-minded little git arent you chocolate man. fair enough if you dont like them, I personally think they're a very talented band who put on a great show, but dont dare slag off someone because they actually educate themselves and listen to different types of music.
Your snide little comments show jst how unworthy your opinion is!
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
9/2/2002 11:07 AM |
I saw them at the First soundroom gig and quite enjoyed it.
As for Chocolate man's comments....they are hardly insightful or objective....
Let them have their cake...
They're doing what they do and some people like it...
(excluding yourself obviously)
Everybody is entitled to their opinion but let's not drag this forum
down to that level please.....
chocolate man New Member Posts:7  
9/2/2002 1:38 PM |
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha .I also like wheely bins and polar bears, so my opinion does count.Wheely bins are more important than any band in the world!{including listo,sorry lads}And as for polar bear, i need say no more.
That's all folks,
P.s. Sorry i didn't know everyone was so sensitive
I like jam bons
9/2/2002 2:22 PM |
On reading your last comment, your not very funny or smart are u
choco p r i c k. As for the comment on the polar bears, this is about music not your s e x life.
You like jam on blokes balls
chocolate man New Member Posts:7  
9/3/2002 12:33 PM |
Hey, that's not nice mr.bubu.I have a great sex life with or without polar bears. Anyway polar bears are fantastic in the sack, i especially love ther big fluffy heads, while there hands arouse me anytime they touch me.Not that i've been with a polar bear before{yeah right}, no i haven't really.
You comments are really staring to hurt me now so i better stop.I must stop as well because i have to go to a wellies exibition. Those wellies really inspire me much more than your music.
P.s.Go listen to some mogwai or trail of dead or you could be really exiting and listen to some godspeed you black emperor
I like jam bons
9/3/2002 1:58 PM |
My advice is to end this thread and leave this little unfunny idiot to play with himself alone.
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
9/9/2002 10:18 AM |
all in all though, vodaphone seem to get complete bell ends for their ad's.
'and jesus did feed the fecophiliacs loaves and fish, more specifically pinched loaves and chocolate salmon'
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
9/9/2002 11:27 AM |
sorry to have missed the launch on saturday - how did it go?
how do i get my mitts one o'dem discs then??
one of ye get in touch pleeez! i want to talk to yiz.
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
9/10/2002 2:02 PM |
i missed primal scream in belfast on sunday cos listo just made me want to stay out spend all my money and go to dark partys with people like foolish o hare, the dark avenger, rasher mulrasher, grapeape georgie porgie pudding and yokes, macker big dren bumpsey, jiminooowln, cardily-in and a whole host of other social deviants.....the following mornig we visited sex shops...YEAH!!!!!
ill jam your owl-ones labour card up yer hole (a new term of abuse for this week)
this is totally underground and its designed to scare you
Elephantine New Member Posts:1  
9/12/2002 3:00 PM |
Fair play to the Listo lads for getting out there and doin’ what they’re doin’, but oh good Lord are they ever going to leave the vodafone ad thing alone. Before you say anything, I’ve seen them live, thought they were pretty good. Not great, but good. It just gets irritating when you see the name everywhere with (vodafone ad) after it. So bleedin’ wha’! As damo101 said, the vodafone ads consisted of a geansai load of bell-ends acting the tit. Not funny. Or impressive. Actually quite annoying. Start being known for something decent you’ve done, instead of living off a poxy ad, and then I’ll respect ye!