4/24/2007 9:12 AM |
€220= absolute fookin rip off....wouldnt pay it in a fit and aint gonna..... went to the first one (day long) and it looked promising, been the year after, even better but for what you get thsi year 220 notes is too fookin expensive..i am not a student but i feel sorry for students who dont have 220 quid to cough up for this thing.... plain to see the festival has now becomed "marketed" towards the thirty something jeep drivers of "nouveau" dublin.... load of me arse.....
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
4/25/2007 7:57 AM |
I for one cannot wait! PQ PS: how much is an average night out in Dublin these days? 100 sheets? 220 aint so bad
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
4/25/2007 10:38 AM |
Just for comparison's sake, here's a two-day festival in France called Garden NEF - this July in Angouleme, which is 2 hours by TGV high-speed train from Paris. 66 euros for a weekend pass or 41 euros for just one night. Line-up: 20 July: MUSE + LILY ALLEN + !!! (Chk Chk Chk) + COLD WAR KIDS + MUMM RA. 21 July: ARCADE FIRE + CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH + LCD SOUNDSYSTEM + KLAXONS + ART BRUT + ANIMAL COLLECTIVE. I repeat: 66 euros for all of the above. click here
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
4/25/2007 10:44 AM |
Posted By PeterQuaife on 25 Apr 2007 7:57 AM I for one cannot wait! PQ PS: how much is an average night out in Dublin these days? 100 sheets? 220 aint so bad Lets see, ok, 1) taxi into town and back: € 20.00 each way = € 40.00 2) Average cost of a pint: € 5.00, average number of people in a group is 5, average of pints drunk per person from 7 to 12pm is lets say is 5: 5 x €5.00 = € 25.00 (enjoy alcohol sensibly kids) and we will say that since these are bought in rounds then its one round per person: € 25.00 per person 3) average cost of a night club entry: € 25.00 4) Average number of drinks consumed in nightclub from 12am to 2am per person is 2 x € 5.00 = € 10.00 5) Average cost of apres nightclub food: € 10.00 (burgers, curry, pizza) total: € 110.00 for a night out, these figures are not definitive and may be subject to change without notification, terms and conditions apply.
4/26/2007 3:49 AM |
Dublin is a rip off in eavery respect....but....the point of the electric picnic was to give people access to an eclectic selection of live artists together in a relaxed atmosphere, wherebye every stage would be accessible and thus the crowd would not be knackers basically.... what has happened is that the promoters have begun to exploit expertly peoples economic and personal preference for an enjoyable atmosphere at a festival in a smallish environment over say something like oxyegen 220 notes for a ticket, 100 notes for booze, fags.......through ín extras for 50/60 notes and the charge for ur timetable which could only happen in ireland.....comes to 400 notes.... any studento who has 400 notes to through around is selling drugs or somethin...at the risk of sounding like a plonker i rememeber being in college and having no fookin money drinkin warm dutch and smoking winfield cos theye were cheaper....but i've heard that folks in ucd drive in in golfs.....again beverly baile atha cliath 90210.........
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/26/2007 4:17 AM |
Posted By aidan on 25 Apr 2007 10:38 AM Just for comparison's sake, here's a two-day festival in France called Garden NEF - this July in Angouleme, which is 2 hours by TGV high-speed train from Paris. 66 euros for a weekend pass or 41 euros for just one night. Line-up: 20 July: MUSE + LILY ALLEN + !!! (Chk Chk Chk) + COLD WAR KIDS + MUMM RA. 21 July: ARCADE FIRE + CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH + LCD SOUNDSYSTEM + KLAXONS + ART BRUT + ANIMAL COLLECTIVE. I repeat: 66 euros for all of the above. http://www.cluas.com/indie-music/Blogs/French_Letter/tabid/80/EntryID/60/Default.aspx I'm sure there is more than 2 promoters in France ... Who don't start a bidding war. I'm sure MCD or Aiken would just reply with "It cost us X amount of money to get the band here, & we have to recoup our costs."
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
4/26/2007 6:00 AM |
One of the reasons why the price has gone up is because VAT is included in the price for the first time. The
Revenue is now claiming VAT on almost all outdoor concerts, 13.5%
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/26/2007 7:07 AM |
Posted By nerraw on 26 Apr 2007 6:00 AM The Revenue is now claiming VAT on almost all outdoor concerts, 13.5% The Revenue ... I know it was them. Even when I said it was the immigants, I knew it was the Revenue.
4/26/2007 7:58 AM |
Do any of you fine fine people have any clues/sneaking suspicions/concrete evidence about other acts to be announced. I have the tickets in the bag but have to say the Oxegen line-up is making me bluer everyday........gimme some hope!!!
4/26/2007 9:06 AM |
three things are certain in this life; 1) death 2) The Rolling Stones 3) TAXES....... its funny because number 2 are close to number 1 but have always avoided number 3......where as the rest of us get fooked on number 3.....
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
4/26/2007 10:30 AM |
Posted By Helmet on 26 Apr 2007 7:58 AM Do any of you fine fine people have any clues/sneaking suspicions/concrete evidence about other acts to be announced. I have the tickets in the bag but have to say the Oxegen line-up is making me bluer everyday........gimme some hope!!! A mate works on the festival, he's keeping fairly tight lipped but he was able to tell me that Yoko Ono will be a headlining act, making a rare Irish appearance to promote her new album. Hope this helps.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
4/27/2007 1:14 AM |
I think the picnic is a quality festival, but well overpriced. Its the same price as Glasto, but glasto is streets ahead; has way more going on, better bands, and runs for longer. I dont know how they justify the price, and why not make it bigger?
Theyre stuck on this idea that small has to be good, just because oxegen = big = bad. MOst of the great festivals are huge, glasto, benicassim (however ya spell that) roskilde, burning man, and they're all better. By making the prices so high youre restricting the market too much, god forbid it becomes some kind of yuppie love in.
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
4/27/2007 2:01 AM |
Posted By Daragh on 27 Apr 2007 1:14 AM I think the picnic is a quality festival, but well overpriced. Its the same price as Glasto, but glasto is streets ahead; has way more going on, better bands, and runs for longer. I dont know how they justify the price, and why not make it bigger? Theyre stuck on this idea that small has to be good, just because oxegen = big = bad. MOst of the great festivals are huge, glasto, benicassim (however ya spell that) roskilde, burning man, and they're all better. By making the prices so high youre restricting the market too much, god forbid it becomes some kind of yuppie love in. make it bigger me arse... ... the best thing that has happened this year is that they've struggled to book acts (against MCD) and are actually getting some interesting ones because of it... take it back to 25,000 people, two nights and just make sure your bookers are genuinely cutting edge... ...this year's lineup does more for me than 2006 (but less than 2005)
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/27/2007 3:20 AM |
EP all sold out now.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
4/27/2007 3:34 AM |
Well i've got my ticket, it's a great weekend rain or shine and i can't wait for it. Yeah, it's dearer than festivals abroad however add in traveling costs etc. and it's gonna be as expensive. Similarly, you've got to fly acts into Ireland rather than Europe or the UK where there are infinitely more planes, trains and automobiles. If you're a drinker and went on the session for two days i'd say that you'd come close to spending €220. And bigger would not be better. I say fair play to them not going for the shills and keeping it at a respectable 32,500. Beats the stuffin out of Oxegen any day.
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
4/27/2007 6:29 AM |
Electric Picnic rules. But the line-up is a little average in comparison to Oxegen, which has the best line-up of any festival I've heard of anywhere this summer (bar Glasto)
4/27/2007 1:02 PM |
The Line up is a bit scrimpy to be honest....some of the "bigger" names havent really released anything thats any use in quite a while...there is an eclectic flavour alright and some acts that would never be seen here otherwise... but i am still waiting for a reasonable justification for charging 220 euro.....i've been to glastonbuy, ep and oxygen and to be quite honest, while oxygen is a littl bit crowded with little knackers in celtic jerseys with thos awful zebra coloured cowboy hats....there is still a brilliantly varied lineup...... i think the organisers of ep are taking the piss at this stage and next year it'll probably cost 250 notes....
Pool Cleaning Guy New Member Posts:70  
4/27/2007 3:48 PM |
There isn't a band in the world that would make me want to go to Oxegen. If it had been around in Dante's time, that book would have turned out a whole lot different. Horrific. And, of this year's line up, The Hold Steady and The National are the only two I wish were playing EP. It makes me sound like a lentil eating hippy I know, but the vibe at Stradbally is fantastic - Such a nice atmosphere. And, for a little lad like myself, you can actually see the bands on the main stage without needing to be eight feet tall.