klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/2/2007 8:00 AM |
Loving the new Kings of Leon album. A lot slower then some of their earlier stuff but quality all the same.
The_Pen15 Basic Member Posts:106  
4/2/2007 8:01 AM |
Hmmm I found it tedious to listen to. Maybe I'll whack it on again, but me no like on first impressions
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/2/2007 8:16 AM |
but me no like on first impressions
Give it a few listens... First time I listened i thought it a little bland.. but more listens are really raising it for me
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
4/3/2007 5:20 AM |
I think it's just super. It certainly takes a couple of listens to make sense of it but it's their best yet.
Aha-Shake Heartbreak is on sale in HMV for €5.99 if anyone's interested.
crucifixio New Member Posts:89  
4/3/2007 6:57 AM |
Have listened to it a few times now and its sounding good. A lot slower but also heavier in parts. "Knocked Up" is quite the tune.
diego_maradona New Member Posts:53  
4/3/2007 10:51 AM |
Definitely a bit slow and average in parts, but Knocked Up and On Call have really raised my opinion of this band. grab these two songs, the middle section of their debut and handpick a few tracks from the last album (the bucket) and there is an all-time classic rock album there. I still hope that maybe on reflective listening somewhere down the line I can appreciate all of these albums in full.
floodzer Basic Member Posts:181  
4/4/2007 5:31 AM |
Sounds good. I certainly like 'On Call', have heard that on Phantom... Nice intro to it, very different to their old stuff. I must go out & get the album.
The_Pen15 Basic Member Posts:106  
4/4/2007 8:44 AM |
Posted By diego_maradona on 03 Apr 2007 10:51 AM Definitely a bit slow and average in parts, but Knocked Up and On Call have really raised my opinion of this band. grab these two songs, the middle section of their debut and handpick a few tracks from the last album (the bucket) and there is an all-time classic rock album there. I still hope that maybe on reflective listening somewhere down the line I can appreciate all of these albums in full. I can see where you're coming from and I have to agree.
mission critical New Member Posts:10  
4/27/2007 11:51 AM |
One of the songs (I think it's the first song) is very very much like bone machine by the pixies. Overall, the production is unusual, and I like that.
Pool Cleaning Guy New Member Posts:70  
4/27/2007 3:52 PM |
An apalling band. A long haired Vic Reeves singing in a club style. I can't be doing with 'em. No. Just no.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
4/30/2007 1:42 AM |
i didnt think it was up to much on the first few listens, but it is definitely growing on me. Not sure that i really like the slowed down aspect though, they used to have a great turn of phrase that is missin a bit in the new album i think.
mixtapepublicity Basic Member Posts:187  
4/30/2007 1:55 AM |
I ordered that bloody album about a month ago from CD Wow, it got lost once, then delayed for a couple of weeks, its still not in the post. So no informed opinions from me, if you care.
5/2/2007 6:00 AM |
Great album, does need a few listens though. Charmer will be the big song from this one.
mission critical New Member Posts:10  
5/2/2007 11:02 AM |
Oh yeah, Charmer! That's the Pixies one. Really like Bone machine I think.
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
5/2/2007 2:18 PM |
I was just listening to some live Pixies yesterday. What a fantastic band! But the new KOL still leaves me cold.
floodzer Basic Member Posts:181  
5/3/2007 8:24 AM |
I havnt found this album very difficult to warm too. The fact that its slower doesn't even register with me because the majority of the tunes are catchy as ever. The only one I dont dig is track 2.
floodzer Basic Member Posts:181  
5/3/2007 8:24 AM |
Cant seem to delete messages when you enter them twice, just edit them...
7/17/2007 3:15 AM |
Just thought I'd come back and leave a message after listening to this album properly/numerous times. It just gets better and better. Aha Shake was my favourite but this one is slowly getting up there....