5/29/2002 6:28 PM |
So the Stereophonics are going to be headlining Slane 2002 on Saturday 24 August (Nickelback, Doves, Counting Crows and The Revs are in support). And the tickets cost €49.50 (and that's before those lovely 'booking charges' they latch on to it). Come on. A joke of a line-up and a profoundly outraguous ticket price. I bet MCD will end up their pockets burnt on this one. The Stereo-fecking-phonics? I call that scraping the pub rock barrel. I'm out of tune on this or, really, are the Stereophonics in the same league as U2, Dylan, Bowie, Queen, REM, the Stones, Springsteen and the others who've played Slane?
markyedison New Member Posts:83  
5/30/2002 12:42 AM |
One look at the charts will tell you straight away that the audience for MOR is massive and could easily fill Slane to bursting. That same audience is also the wealthiest 'demographic' in society. Lots of people have money to burn and enjoy music that they can tap their foot to and sing along to without being engaged in any discernible fashion. To quote Nick Hornby- 'I just want something I can ignore.' I would hardly be surprised if it were an all-seated show.
Incidentally, that line up could be the most banal display of rock in history. It's like a Bertie wet dream. Stick in UB40 and the corrs and together all of them would have the impact of a dry, round sponge being thrown by a toddler with M.E.
Any suggestions for a weaker line-up, if that is possible?
Long live the new flesh
Edited by - markyedison on 30 May 2002 00:49:35
Edited by - markyedison on 30 May 2002 00:50:47
Jupiter New Member Posts:40  
5/30/2002 1:34 AM |
In fairness...Counting Crows shouldnt be lumped in with those ludicrous bands. Ive seen them about 5 times in various countries..and theyre f u c k i n g excellent.
Ive said it before...nickelback are upsettingly awful!
Stereophonics are not in the same league as Chili Peppers/U2/REM/David Bowie..but they are in the same league as Robbie Williams! theyre pretty fukin boring.
markyedison New Member Posts:83  
5/30/2002 3:55 AM |
Couldn't agree more about nickelback. I've worked out a formula;
Celine Dion minus vocal range plus guitars= nickelback.
That spoiled terminal adolescent Kurt Cobain worshipping singer really gets my goat with his regressive whining. It's all part of a conspiracy to infantilise the populace, I tells ya.
Day-day, marky.
Long live the new flesh
8/15/2002 1:20 PM |
I've decided to bring this discussion up again, given that Slane is now only days away. I'm going to Slane this year (against my better judgement, free ticket etc.), but I agree with tobble. What possible justification is there to have the Stereophonics headlining Slane? They already played Dublin and headlined Witnness last year with no new material since then.(Which is fine now that I think of it) How much more undeserved recognition is this country going to give them? And with reference to a recent post on the discussion board objecting to ever-rising gig prices, let's hope Slane and the organisers get stung in the pocket for this one.
For the record,I'm going enjoy the Doves,Revs and especially the Charlatans, but after that I'm getting hideously drunk so as not to notice how crap the phonics and Nickleback really are one way or the other..........
papa razzo New Member Posts:49  
8/15/2002 1:57 PM |
bullsheet to you all...
Ahem...let's not forget The Verve or Robbie shaggin Williams, Slane is no longer sacred and the Stereophonics will help get Slane back on track. VIVA LA PHONICS!
Makepiece New Member Posts:10  
8/15/2002 2:24 PM |
Hey, these promoters aren't dumb - they look at who sells buckets of records and then gets them to play a huge gig with a bunch of bigselling artists - viola, you have a line-up. Other than this there are no other qualifications, and hey what's wrong with that? If it's a bad idea noone buys tickets and if it's good one, all concerned make a packet.
And anyway, if some obscure band makes it big enough to play these places, everyone complains that they've sold out.
Personally, I've found these big gigs/ festials terrible value for money - it's usually a way for people too young to get served in pubs to have a wild weekend - which is fine by the way, but it's not about music really is it?
Incidentally, I've carried out some highly scientific tests and all these bands are muck.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
8/15/2002 2:26 PM |
Vive la phonics!!?? They are brutal, paying to see then is the first sign of musical dementia, paying 50+ euro to stand in a field to see them is like asking to be reamed by and efficient, merciless mechanical reaming machine.
They suck sooo bad! But what really kills me is the routinely slag off other acts (granted most of them are equally crap) as if their particular line in gurning plod rock is something precious. If they were playing in my back yard I'd pull the curtains.
On a slightly *ahem* less vitriolic rant, it's do MCD and their ilk good to get toasted on a gig (see the ticket price thread where Eoghan got tickets for Ryan Adams in Brussels at exactly 50% of the price here).
All in all I hope Slane is half full and a slap in the eye for an awful band and their ruthless promoters.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
8/15/2002 2:33 PM |
I demand that Toploader are added to the bill.
Up with banality!
papa razzo New Member Posts:49  
8/15/2002 3:26 PM |
oh listen to you tossers....
i know you were tapping your feet to stereophonics a year or two ago but then some teenage girls started to think the lead singer was cute and you all decided to end the association. you know it.
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
8/15/2002 3:49 PM |
it's the usual story for slane, something for everyone
stereophonics for all the girls who do business studies and GAA-heads who do engineering in RTC's around the country.
nickelback for all the 16 year old mini-moshers who spent the last 3 begging their parents to be allowed go.
Doves for people who like to think they know all about music- bankers, accountants and people who say ' when i was skiing in andorra'
Counting Crows - for couples who like Mr Jones because it's 'their song'
and charlatan for people who remeber madchester
and thats how MCD will make a small fortune without having any decent bands playing ........ lowest common denominator.
and if tickets sell poorly they'll probably add aslan to the bill get the scumbags in just to fill slane up
by the way i dont have anything against the doves or charlatan but it;s a pity to see them playing on such a bad bill
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
8/15/2002 4:57 PM |
I demand that Aslan are added to the bill.
If for no other reason than the meeting of minds it would present...the "when i was skiing in Andorra" versus the "when i was outta me bleedin box in the Ponza".
Up with diversity!
Jupiter New Member Posts:40  
8/15/2002 6:29 PM |
tapping my feet?
what the f u c k do you know??
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
8/16/2002 8:28 AM |
Fantastic! Ocean Colour Scene added to the bill. MCD are obviously reading this thread!
Up with Banality!
8/16/2002 10:37 AM |
I'm afraid I can't agree with you damo101. I'm a GAA-head who did a degree in engineering in an RTC and I still think the phonics absolutely suck. Also, my girlfriend studied Business Studies in her day and she hates them too. And to label fans of Aslan as "scumbags" is one hell of a sweeping generalisation. How fortunate you can make these kinds of statements in an anonymous fashion, otherwise a lot of people would be extremely pissed off. (They also suck by the way, but that hardly makes their fans scumbags).
And hi there papa rozza, sorry to disagree with you too, but my opinion of a band is dictated by their talent or lack of; not a girl's judgement of their looks.
Peace to you all
8/16/2002 1:31 PM |
So explain yourself Q2 what is it that u dont like about Stereophonics? I agree with papa razo ur all in denial!
8/17/2002 4:05 PM |
The Stereophonics were good for a while, but then they brought out the unspeakably awful "Mr Writer" and it all went downhill from there.
It's one of the most self-indulgent, self-pitying, whiny, whingy, moany songs ever !!
http://www.iol.ie/~chuffer/ The Chuffer Dandridge Diaries Site
Edited by - Slane on 17 Aug 2002 16:13:15
babayaka New Member Posts:33  
8/17/2002 8:54 PM |
I think they should be hung for being the most feckin bland band in the world, everything by them sounds exactly the same it's getting upsetting.
Enuff please........
it's the whole awwwww their not that bad well their not bad but they ain't exactly good.
They're like pasta with out sauce.
8/19/2002 2:35 AM |
shit line up
8/19/2002 4:11 PM |
Am I the only one who thinks its a great line up and bought my ticket ages ago? Great line up, counting crows rock
All alone in a field with the Stereophonics - hope none of thems into buggery...
668 The neighbour of the beast