elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
1/8/2007 5:27 AM |
Does anyone know if there will be a web presale for board members of arcade fire?
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
1/8/2007 6:23 AM |
Posted By elmo95 on 08 Jan 2007 5:27 AM Does anyone know if there will be a web presale for board members of arcade fire? if you mean, "why has no-one posted anything yet?", it's probably because this new message board is so frustrating and slow... however, no idea about presale... doubt it
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/8/2007 6:29 AM |
Posted By elmo95 on 08 Jan 2007 5:27 AM Does anyone know if there will be a web presale for board members of arcade fire? The UKK board on arcadefire.net? No, the guy who runs it would love for it to happen and it may be something that they might do in the future but at the minute it's not going to happen.
Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
1/8/2007 7:37 AM |
I'd be interested in a pre-sale, but only if they were giving a 50% discount. €45 for a ticket, that'll become €50 with the Ticketb*****d fees! For a band with one album!? Second album is out the day of the gig so most folk won't have had a chance to hear it before the gig! I'm well pis*ed off!
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/8/2007 8:31 AM |
The media are saying that there is only one night in the Olympia but pitchfork have them down for the 5th and 6th
Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
1/8/2007 8:48 AM |
media are looking at ticketmaster and seeing one date and presuming thats all they are playing
but once that date sells out the second will pop up, a la Flaming Lips
Hearing this news was the greatest hangover cure ever
and 45e, steep, but worth it
the album will be out a few days before the gig, cos we get the releases on the friday before the monday they are released in the UK
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
1/8/2007 8:49 AM |
You can be sure the album will be leaked before the gigs so you'll hear it anyway plus albums go into Irish shops on Friday so it should be legitimately on sale a few days before the gig. 1 album, well it'll be 2 when they play and don't forget the EP i think it was part of that famous eyebrowy sketch, "I heard of Arcade Fire before you". Expensive alright but expensive is the norm now. Word is they'll be playing Oxegen too, wonder if there could be a 3rd night at the Olympia too.
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
1/8/2007 8:50 AM |
ah just beat me to that Garret *must type faster*
Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
1/8/2007 8:50 AM |
I see I'm alone in my disgust then, I must be getting old and grumpy :-(
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
1/8/2007 8:55 AM |
no not alone i would say its just people have given up complaining about ticket prices as it doesn't get you anywhere.
Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
1/8/2007 9:26 AM |
45 is very high, but it could be worse, they could have decided to do just one night in the point
which would have ruined it
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/8/2007 11:40 AM |
€45 is crazy, I'm paying it though, I f**king love them.
I'd imagine there was soemthing of a bidding war between Aiken and MCD which resulted in them getting some huge guaruntee that needs to be recouped.
Garret is spot on w.r.t. the second date as it's definately happening. But it's in out interests to keep it to ourselves as much as possible.
elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
1/8/2007 12:15 PM |
I agree I was thinking there for a sec that no one mentioned the gig because they didnt want anyone knowing about it (impossible I know)
Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
1/8/2007 12:42 PM |
I was told a month or so back that Arcade Fire specifically asked for the olympia, giving Aiken no chance.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
1/8/2007 2:44 PM |
Looking forward to this, though i'd say it will be the usual online disaster come friday morning. Wasnt at the EP the year they played, but anyone i've ever met who saw 'em live loved it. Don't listen to the album much anymore either, so it would be a good freshen up.
45e is steep enough alright, (though not too bad at all in comparison to some other gigs). The thing i don't like is the fact that its right at the top end of what you could realistically charge, as in f**king greedy bastards. Greasy tills and all that.
Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
1/9/2007 2:26 AM |
My final say on the subject, as grumpy devils advocate. I can understand paying out €100 to see Neil Young in Vicar St. He has an outstanding catalogue of work and will have been a constant in some peoples lives for 30 years or more. Similarly, MCD charging €50 to see Moz or Nick Cave in the Olympia I can take. But pricing tickets at €45 to see a band with one (admittedly outstanding) album and one, as yet unproven album, is complete profiteering on the part of MCD, in my personal opinion. As Daragh said, they're charging right at the top end. If you're in the Netherlands, you can see Arcade Fire for €29. The intimate gigs in London at the end of Jan are costing £16. I hope you all enjoy the gig, I'm seriously pis*ed off that I'm gonna miss it cos I just refuse to pay that price. Unless someone has heard the new album and can tell me it's worth it ;-)?
elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
1/9/2007 3:22 AM |
I've heard three songs, Intervention (not live version,but one with creepy organ), black waves/bad vibrations and the new single black mirrors. Intervention is brilliant from the first listen, great chorus. Black waves/bad vibrations hasn't hooked me yet, its got Regine singing first part and Win singing second part. New single Black mirror is a grower though. It looks modestly safe to say it'll be more gothic especially having used the church organ for some songs and there's that impassioned shadow hanging over them still
admin Basic Member Posts:399  
1/9/2007 3:47 AM |
Posted By Goat Boy on 09 Jan 2007 2:26 AM I hope you all enjoy the gig, I'm seriously pis*ed off that I'm gonna miss it cos I just refuse to pay that price. Respect. With a capital 'R'. The only way ticket prices will ever come down is if more people take a stand like Goat Boy. Think a ticket price is grossly inflated but you are still prepared to pay what is being asked for? Then don't complain about it! As for me, I just bagged myself two Aracde Fire tickets for their April 4 gig in Brussels. Price? A total of 60 euros. That - BTW - inlcudes all service charges, the sending of the tickets by (registered) post, and a (rather bizarre) 2 euro 'charity donation' that you couldn't opt out of and for which the 'charity' was not indicated). Smugly yours, eoghan
The Teacher New Member Posts:12  
1/9/2007 5:35 AM |
Posted By admin on 09 Jan 2007 3:47 AM Posted By Goat Boy on 09 Jan 2007 2:26 AM I hope you all enjoy the gig, I'm seriously pis*ed off that I'm gonna miss it cos I just refuse to pay that price. Respect. With a capital 'R'. The only way ticket prices will ever come down is if more people take a stand like Goat Boy. Think a ticket price is grossly inflated but you are still prepared to pay what is being asked for? Then don't complain about it! it is indeed an unjustifiably high price to charge. I will be another unwilling to pay it but that wont stop both gigs selling out in a matter of minutes.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/9/2007 6:28 AM |
Posted By admin on 09 Jan 2007 3:47 AM Posted By Goat Boy on 09 Jan 2007 2:26 AM I hope you all enjoy the gig, I'm seriously pis*ed off that I'm gonna miss it cos I just refuse to pay that price. Respect. With a capital 'R'. The only way ticket prices will ever come down is if more people take a stand like Goat Boy. Think a ticket price is grossly inflated but you are still prepared to pay what is being asked for? Then don't complain about it! As for me, I just bagged myself two Aracde Fire tickets for their April 4 gig in Brussels. Price? A total of 60 euros. That - BTW - inlcudes all service charges, the sending of the tickets by (registered) post, and a (rather bizarre) 2 euro 'charity donation' that you couldn't opt out of and for which the 'charity' was not indicated). Smugly yours, eoghan The charity is probably an organsation called Partners In Health which the band is involved with. I'm going to one of the London gigs and am spending more on that trip than if I scored tickets for even both nights in Dublin so I can't really complain.