Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
12/30/2006 3:00 PM |
With a new year coming in I thought it a good idea to write a bit about bands I think we should all keep an eye on in 2007. Yes, the sole purpose of this exercise is to be able to look back in 12 months time and, hopefully, have a smug impression on my face. On the other hand I might end up backing a band that will turn into 2007’s The Automatic. I will probably be woefully inaccurate. All signs indicate that 2007 will be the year of Klaxons. According to NME, who are always more than happy to invent names for scenes, they are part of a ‘new rave’ movement. Essentially, they are angular/art rock with electronic elements. They play The Ambassador Theatre in February as part of the NME Indie Rave Tour. ( Air Traffic from Leeds made a small splash this year with their debut single and EP. They are your basic pop rock act, but they do it better than 90% of their peers. ‘Charlotte’ was for me one of the best singles from the underground this year. They are also coming to Ireland in early 2007, as they play 5 dates across the country in January. ( Yes, Luxembourg did release several singles last year as well as their full-length debut, but surely 2007 will be the year that the world opens its eyes to these pop noir connoisseurs. They’ve recently played their last gig with their bassist Jon, so the first few months of the new year shall be spent getting a replacement up to speed and returning with an EP of brand new material. ( Captain Black specialise in high tempo folk rock. Unusual for a UK band, they cite influences such as the Dubliners and the Pogues. They pull it off with style, adding their own more modern slant, and producing some great songs. I will watch them keenly in 2007 to see what the new year has in store for them. ( On the home front Ham Sandwich seem to have a bright future ahead of them. February will bring their forth single, and no doubt even more attention and plaudits. The Butterfly Explosion are also ones to watch. Their 2nd EP, ‘Turn The Sky’, released this year, impressed. Their Smashing Pumpkins-influenced sound turned many ears, and has had them on constant rotation on Phantom FM since its launch. ( To represent America in this wee thing, I include The Little Ones. Think Spinto Band, with the eccentricity toned down a bit. Only a bit mind. Their blend of pop folk is sure to make an impression on the indie scene in 2007. ( Other mentions: Troubles – Post rock outfit formed from the embers of Hope Of The States – Korova – British angular rock outfit - The Donde Stars – Indie rock - PS: I was going to include Villette in this rundown, but in researching their future plans on their website, I found tucked away in the corner a slightly important fact that they deem worthy to leave out of their biography. They split up 3 months ago. It’s a real shame because they had talent. So over to you, who are you going to be looking out for in the coming year?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/31/2006 1:40 PM |
I reckon Dragonette could be massive - ...but then again, the record buying public in general could just show complete indifference to it like other great pop acts in the past like Annie or Alesha Dixon, etc. who you'd think would see greater commercial success.
I continue to wonder why another year passes and no-one has offered Havana Guns a proper record contract, maybe they don't want one? They don't seem to gig much either.
I'd really like to see my favourite Techno artist of the moment, Tomas Andersson, produce a full length album, but then again, in true techno tradition, maybe he prefers to to stick to releasing 12" singles? His style of techno is pretty refreshing, it's energetic, exciting and not in the least bit pompous or pretentious.
1/1/2007 12:29 PM |
TestYourFightingSkills!! New Member Posts:19  
1/2/2007 2:18 PM |
Posted By pol* on 01 Jan 2007 12:29 PM THE HOLD STEADY . No offence but I SERIOUSLY cant see the big deal behind the Hold Steady. I've listened to 'Boy & Girls of America' and the only thing to impress me is the Jack Kerouac reference. Bands to look out for in 2007? Well I'm looking to new music from established acts like Arcade Fire and the Shins. Can only think of two fresh bands at the moment that could do a lot in 2007 and they are: New Cassettes and Regards. If you like yer indie, check out 'Lighthouses' and 'Wasted Kisses' by these guys respectively.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/2/2007 3:08 PM |
Cap pas cap are my Irish tip for 2007.
Check em out on
QsySue Basic Member Posts:119  
1/29/2007 4:21 PM |
Midlake - for sure going places.
Silversun Pickups - even though they sound way too much like the Smashing Pumpkins.
The Spores - great driving-late-at-night with the top down music.
The Shivers - interesting mix of stuff going on with this band.
Jesu - so, so good. Sort of shoegazery stuff.
Idiot Kid Basic Member Posts:217  
1/30/2007 4:27 AM |
"My Fallen Empire" from Athlone are worth looking out for this year. I played played support for them last August when they were just starting to work on their debut album. It's going to be very good if their set list that night is anything to go by. Also a friend of mine is raving on about "Cold War Kids" being the best thing since that thing before sliced bread at the moment. Haven't had a chance to listen to them myself yet though.
2/1/2007 12:37 PM |
Is this bands who'll get big, or bands who'll be/are really good? Or both? Here's both- Debut album: Los Campesinos, The Little Ones, Good Shoes, St. Vincent, Fear of Music. Their next album will make them big: Bishop Allen, Apples in Stereo (it's their 6th album, but now Elijah Wood is in charge!), Suburban Kids With Biblical Names, Jape, Patrick Wolf, Jeremy Warmsley.
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
2/2/2007 8:14 PM |
Hooray For Humans, from Cork. They deserve to be f**king massive.
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
2/2/2007 8:56 PM |
Loath as I am to agree with NME, the klaxons are pretty damn good. Hopefully there'll be an Australian tour date soon. Other than that I don't know. I've never been particularly good at picking bands that are gonna set a scene alight
Mr Wilson New Member Posts:9  
2/5/2007 12:24 PM |
Posted By Flux on 02 Feb 2007 8:14 PM Hooray For Humans, from Cork. They deserve to be f**king massive. Definite favourites! also my brother woody
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
2/7/2007 3:17 AM |
The Hold Steady Crystal Castles Delorentos Ham Sandwich Enter Shikari Lightening Bolt Uh Huh Her
Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
2/7/2007 3:19 AM |
The Crystal Castles remix of The Little Ones 'Lovers WHo Uncover' is excellent. Its on
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
2/7/2007 6:48 AM |
Posted By UnaRocks on 07 Feb 2007 3:17 AM Lightening Bolt una, surely you don't mean the lightning bolt that have been around for years and released 3 or 4 albums of heavy fun-fuelled noise... the lightning bolt that last played whelans in 2006?... wouldn't have thought they were your style?... also about the last band i'd have under the category "bands to look out for in 2007"
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
2/7/2007 7:12 AM |
I'm a bit unsure on The Hold Steady. I've no doubt their profile will be raised on this side of the water (already is i suppose) although i don't think the new album is that good. Separation Sunday is a much better collection of songs but the new one just seems to blur into one-long song without much musical invention throughout.
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
2/7/2007 8:26 AM |
I didn't know about Lightening Bolt until last year so... excuse my ignorance.
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
2/7/2007 9:34 AM |
Posted By UnaRocks on 07 Feb 2007 8:26 AM I didn't know about Lightening Bolt until last year so... excuse my ignorance. excused una... i just would have taken this as a 'new bands' or 'bands to break big (critically or commercially)' thread... no probs though... i've no idea who to name in this thread... maybe i just don't know any new bands...
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
2/7/2007 9:58 AM |
Delerentos? I suppose they might do a Bell X1 and sell reasonably well in another few years. Worldwide, no.
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
2/19/2007 7:17 AM |
Posted By QsySue on 29 Jan 2007 4:21 PM Midlake - for sure going places. i'm just discovery Midlake now, missed out on Van Occupanthers release last year, God its so beautiful like a rich treacle sound dripping slowing into my ears.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
2/20/2007 7:11 AM |
Oh yes Comet! It's a beauty indeed. Just back from a lunchtime stroll with it's dulcet sounds for company.
Haven't checked out their previous one. I hear it's a different kettle of fish entirely and a bit weirder. Anyone heard it who'd care to pass on their thoughts?
On the subject of last year's hits just picked up Clipse "Hell Hath No Fury." Sonofabitch!