stiritup New Member Posts:45  
3/4/2002 9:19 AM |
I would just like to appeal to those of you who have the vote to go and vote NO!
I am Irish and 30yrs of age and I have decided that if this referendum gets a no vote I will have to leave the country as I could no longer live in such a draconian society.
I'm sure though any politicians daughter who gets an 'unwanted pregnancy' will have first class tickets to England and won't have to wait months in order to get the money together in the first place, like around 60-80% of Irish women, thus making the process even more distressing.
Abortion is not a decision made easily and the fact that we have to vote on whether or not to leave the slim chance some Irish women have of getting an abortion here is a disgrace to this country.
So we are going to lock up women/girls for 10 years because they got raped and didn't want to have the bastards child.We'd rather the carrying women kill herself and the baby. Very Irish indeed.
As usual Ireland sending sons and daughters abroad, out of sight out of mind.
Get out and vote NO!
This could happen to any woman!
3/4/2002 2:58 PM |
>I am Irish and 30yrs of age and I have decided that if this >referendum gets a no vote I will have to leave the country as I >could no longer live in such a draconian society.
do you mean "yes" above? How can you urge people to vote no and simultaneously say you'll have to leave the country if a no vote is passed? Maybe I misunderstood...
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
3/4/2002 3:16 PM |
It would seem that the confusion surrounding this referendum has even spread to this discussion board!
3/4/2002 5:19 PM |
Don't tell me how to fucking vote
stiritup New Member Posts:45  
3/5/2002 7:35 AM |
Of course I meant if it was a yes vote, pretty obvious from reading the rest of it. Apologies for error.
I can't force you to vote any way, if i could I would!
3/5/2002 9:52 AM |
Stiritup - like monkey says ...go **** yourself. First off, its none of your ****ing business what way I'm voting, so I'm not going to start a rant for Yes or No. Everyone else has had the restraint to keep this off music discussion stupid ****ing idiot
stiritup New Member Posts:45  
3/5/2002 10:19 AM |
Freedom of speech, as it says under The Soap Box.
Some people are extremely confused about the issue as they have not been given enough, if any, information.
An idiot, I think not.
sure you probably think Hitler "restained" the Jews.
Have an opinion or don't bother posting.
Maybe you'll be lucky and never have to have an opinion on it!
I wish you luck!
3/5/2002 10:31 AM |
I feel very strongly about the whole abortion issue and quite a few other issues actually. Theres a relevant place and time for all things.
Hitler..well done, clap,clap...amazing stuff stiritup, I'm real impressed....liken me to a faschist...predictable. Theres actually some theory about the longer a discussion board thread goes on, the more likely it is that some fool will call someone a faschist. I can't remember the name of it right now, but I do know the fools name is stiritup
stiritup New Member Posts:45  
3/5/2002 11:26 AM |
Tell me this.
Why in an open forum, in which any topic can be discussed would you proceed to deride someone for giving their opinion on a subject.
Where is "the relevant place and time" for such a discussion. Under the rug maybe?
Personally attacking someones thread/opinion while not adding anything to the subject strikes me as though you don't have the courage of your convictions, or no opinion, in which case maybe you should listen more, take in all the information available and then if you decide to join a discussion, give something to it!
Why add to a discussion you don't believe shoud be here?
As for faschist, that is not a word I have ever used in my life!
You are pigeon holing yourself, well done!
So what are your "strong opinions".
Can't be that strong if you are not willing to state them!
I wish you luck!
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
3/5/2002 12:22 PM |
despite agreeing with you stiritup, i think you'd probably be better walking around on the street with a sandwich board... the lads are right not the place i would say.
stiritup New Member Posts:45  
3/5/2002 12:33 PM |
Like the header says and I'll say this again for those of you who seem to have missed it
The lads are not right.
I've said what I had to say
good luck
Fleurette New Member Posts:7  
3/5/2002 2:02 PM |
not to nit-pick, but that's not how you spell 'fascist'. I completely agree with your intention to vote no, but the confusion and misspellings don't help your case