His Dudeness New Member Posts:6  
1/21/2002 1:36 PM |
Well I reckon guys it has got to be "Ocean's 11" - starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts amongst others. Slick dialogue cool charcters and a fast moving story that will keep us watching. This is a re-make of a 1960's rat pack gangster flick. Danny Ocean(Clooney) and associates set out to steal $150,m from some Vegas Casinos. Great reports so far from US - really looking forward to this one. What do you guys think on the coolest flick of 2002 will be? - all comments welcome........... His Dudeness....
p.s. White Russian cocktail to all interesting replies.
Edited by - His Dudeness on 21 Jan 2002 13:44:43
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
1/22/2002 9:37 AM |
If I were you I would hold out on handing out awards till you see The Royal Tenenbaums...
By the guy who made Rushmore.
It's a fabulous film.
His Dudeness New Member Posts:6  
1/22/2002 12:10 PM |
Fair comment Stephen, a few more replies and a top ten of prospective movies of the year may develop here. These are estimations, awards come at the end of the year.. Good choice by the way you made.
1/22/2002 2:53 PM |
The Two Towers
1/22/2002 5:37 PM |
Ocean's 11 sounds crap and you sound like you work for the film's PR company
markyedison New Member Posts:83  
1/23/2002 12:41 AM |
Anyone know if Peter Jackson is working on anything this year( apart from the obvious promotion of LOTR )?
He may just take it easy after the hard slog of making three films at once but he's quite prolific for a film director, so you never know.
Please, Mr. Edison, won't you invent a machine to stop these monsters?
His Dudeness New Member Posts:6  
1/23/2002 9:33 AM |
Well monkeyboy you sound like the commonly found geezer in these groups who loves the sound of his own voice. Theres always one. Be gone with the negative crap-tibrution. If you want to sound(jack)off, at least dont do it on a limited budget - half a line, back up points - and the idea was if you dont agree to maybe offer a film yourself - generally termed as discussion. Anyways we shall see what the punters feel when its released. Thanks for the pr compliment , must send a few CV's off - ciao now.
Edited by - His Dudeness on 23 Jan 2002 09:47:28
Tony Montana New Member Posts:14  
1/23/2002 10:29 AM |
did Mean Machine come out @ the end of last year or the start of this year. That movie had more characters than a game of nude twister in the Slovakian town of Hebronivisininca, Vincent Jones was magnificent, only hopes he gets a part in Indiana Jones IV....