Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
7/13/2006 3:11 PM |
it's out on Tuesday.
I predict nods in the direction of:
Corinne Baily Rae
Lily Allen
Plan B
Thom Yorke
Arctic Monkeys
I'm sure the judges will find some obscure English connection to Regina Spektor's granny or something similar as well.
milkman Basic Member Posts:119  
7/13/2006 3:23 PM |
snow patrol?
the kooks?
i don't particurly like any of these, but i could see some being nominated.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
7/13/2006 3:29 PM |
yeah, Muse will be I reckon
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
7/13/2006 3:36 PM |
Plan B is great
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
7/13/2006 3:41 PM |
would they give the nod to someone like belle and sebastian or are they too anti-industry?... they tend to throw in an obscure one or two (whether they're any good or not) with a non-indie token type (classical, jazz etc...) with 3 or 4 good acts and 3 or 4 pretty s**te acts... we'll see... last year was a good winner but yeah... british me arse!
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
7/13/2006 3:50 PM |
I reckon Hot Chip will get a nod. Is it for English or British acts? If it's the latter than My Latest Novel might get a look in.
dera Basic Member Posts:163  
7/13/2006 3:53 PM |
Belle and Sebastian's Dear Catastrophe Waitress was nominated a couple of years ago, somewhat surprisingly. I'd nominate The Life Pursuit for the writing alone, but I don't think their excavation of 70s sounds is going to meet with massive critical approval.
I'd put Camera Obscura at an outside bet of being nominated. They certainly deserve to be.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
7/13/2006 4:06 PM |
Aberfeldy might get a nod
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
7/13/2006 4:22 PM |
camera obscura = great
aberfeldy = not so great
still, that has nothing to do with whether they'll be nominated or not... i mean it's not as if "the mercury music prize exists solely to champion uk music by promoting the 12 albums of the year by british or irish artists"....
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
7/13/2006 4:24 PM |
Seeing as she won the Irish equvialent, would Julie Feeney get a nod ?
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
7/13/2006 4:27 PM |
It's kind of 'British Isles' acts - because Gemma Hayes got a look in with 'Night On My Side', remember?
Benni - I'm not feeling Plan B at all. I was really excited to hear his stuff, because what I read about it sounded really interesting, but when I eventually heard the record I was so dissapointed. I really think he is just a dodgy rapper with a guitar and pretty poor sounds. The production is a bit lame and cliched, and lyrically, he's not even that smart. I dunno, maybe I'm missing something...
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
7/13/2006 4:42 PM |
see, that mission statement of theirs that i posted above is very interesting... the uk obvioulsy doesn't include the republic... but yet they are promoting the 12 albums of the year by british and irish artists... which means they could be talking about northern ireland only... but then why did gemma hayes get a look in?... so the only 100% logical way to read it is that they can pick irish artists if they are championing uk music so they must be on a uk label, then... so artists like the frames can't be chosen but gemma hayes can... whatabout bellx1 - on an irish arm of a worldwide label... it's all very confusing, isn't it... they need to reword their mission statement before i get further tongue-tied
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
7/13/2006 5:05 PM |
Isn't the stipulation that you have to have sold less than 500,000 albums or do i have it arseways? Surely The Arctic Monkeys have sold more than that?
Apart from them, i reckon you're on the money Úna with Hot Chip added to the list and someone we haven't heard of yet like a tuba quartet from Estonia with English parentage?
Get thee to a bookies!
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
7/13/2006 5:24 PM |
no, I don't think there's album sales limit - sure Coldplay were nominated for it last year.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
7/13/2006 5:27 PM |
RE: Plan B – musically (in general) he’s not really my thing. But I can still appreciate a good tune or lyric when I hear it and that’s pretty much what I mean when I say I like Plan B. I think (what I’ve heard of him so far) is impressive. Stripped down music and excellent lyrics. Pretty much the kind of ‘voice of a generation’ tag that was attributed to The Streets on their first album….. until they went s**t that is.
Saw the dude bang out a tunes on Jools Holland a while back and thought he was deadly… just him and his guitar and a great story.
Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
7/13/2006 6:48 PM |
Hope Of The States - Left
okay I'm dreaming, i know
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
7/13/2006 7:49 PM |
I have to agree with Una. I'm not really feeling Plan B either.
Carlsberg Basic Member Posts:215  
7/13/2006 7:58 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Garret
Hope Of The States - Left
okay I'm dreaming, i know
But WHAT a dream! 
Would like to see Death Cab For Cutie in there.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
7/14/2006 12:17 AM |
quote: Originally posted by stroller
I have to agree with Una. I'm really not feeling Plan B either.
i'll join that club too, very poor album
re the Mercury, would i be right in thinking that Gemma Hayes has been the only Irish nominee in the last few years? i know they say its Uk and Ireland but they're a bit skimpy with acts on this side of the irish sea. which is why the Choice Music Award is so good. i read somewhere that Julie Feeney and Duke Special both got international deals on the back of being nominated for the Choice thing, which is a pretty great start for year one.
i wonder who'll be on the Choice list for next year. Republic of Loose? Si Schroeder? Ronan Keating?
dera Basic Member Posts:163  
7/14/2006 1:44 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
i know they say its Uk and Ireland but they're a bit skimpy with acts on this side of the irish sea. which is why the Choice Music Award is so good. i read somewhere that Julie Feeney and Duke Special both got international deals on the back of being nominated for the Choice thing, which is a pretty great start for year one.
It does seem like the point of award lists like these is drifting towards little more than providing a corrective balance to the music industry ("oh, look, you're missing some potential sales here").