admin Basic Member Posts:399  
2/28/2007 3:55 PM |
From the press release: "The Divine Comedy has just been announced as the winner of the Choice Music Prize – Irish Album of the Year for the album “Victory For The Comic Muse”. Neil Hannnon receives a cheque for €10,000 - a prize which has been provided by the Irish Music Rights Organisation (IMRO) and the Irish Recorded Music Association (IRMA) - as well as a specially-commissioned award, courtesy of the Recorded Artists And Performers Ltd (RAAP). The 12 strong jury panel of Irish music media professionals deliberated tonight and chose the album as the finest Irish record released in 2006 from the shortlist of 10 records. A capacity crowd attended the event in Vicar Street, Dublin and were treated to performances by 8 of the 10 shortlisted acts (Snow Patrol and Fionn Regan are currently on tour in the U.S. and Australia respectively)."
2/28/2007 4:35 PM |
I'm rather happy about that! Fair play to Divine Comedy. I thought that album was very witty, really well crafted and had a real likeability factor about it. Hannon is a lyrical master.
Although I did think Si Schroeder was gonna win because his album is excellent. Glad none of the other stuff won it!
I'll sleep well tonite ;o)
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
2/28/2007 5:02 PM |
Hmmmm.... what an interesting choice!
I'm now very intrigued and will check it out. I'd written the Divine Comedy off years ago.
dermot_trellis New Member Posts:69  
2/28/2007 5:28 PM |
Pretty surprised about that.. The Divine Comedy seemed to have really faded from view in the last couple of years and I'd heard very mixed opinions on the latest album.. I had this award pegged for one of the 'up and coming' acts. Still Neil Hannon seems a very nice guy and I'm glad he's still persevering, maybe not such a bad thing he picked this up.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
3/1/2007 2:15 AM |
Posted By stephen on 28 Feb 2007 5:02 PM Hmmmm.... what an interesting choice! I'm now very intrigued and will check it out. I'd written the Divine Comedy off years ago. You'll find a free download at No.99 ... Great song. A lady of a certain age.
off the post Basic Member Posts:284  
3/1/2007 4:14 AM |
Well I'm gonna put my head on the block - I think they are crap, always have.
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
3/1/2007 6:45 AM |
emmmm..would like to have seen si s or the immediate win
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
3/1/2007 8:15 AM |
I think it's a strange and terrible choice - a poor Divine Comedy album, not as good as 'Absent Friends' or 'Regeneration' or 'Casanova', almost as smug and irritating as 'Fin De Siecle'. And that's just comparing it to their own back catalogue - compared to the other nominees it's bland, unadventurous, uninspiring stuff.
"Are they just giving the prize to their drinking buddy?" one would ask if one were cynical and rich enough to pay enormous legal damages....
3/1/2007 10:36 AM |
Posted By PeterQuaife on 01 Mar 2007 6:45 AM emmmm..would like to have seen si s or the immediate win PQ Definitely deserve it more and could do with the money a lot more too. Hannon's extending his kitchen with the money..
The_Pen15 Basic Member Posts:106  
3/1/2007 11:19 AM |
I know you kids will go crazy but the only record deserving is that Republic of Loose album. It's something different and good in an extremely bland scene.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
3/1/2007 12:14 PM |
Pen15, come on?! Leave that genre of music to the Americans! The Loose didn't pull it off I'm afraid! And I don't think any irish band could, it's not in the genes! I think Divine Comedy's album is, contrary to aidans thoughts, a really well thought out album. They spent a long time perfecting it and it's ingenious simplicity is really endearing! As for The Immediate, yeah, they're unlucky. i was sure it was them or Si S. Not sure if The immediates recorded stuff comes across in the same way it does live. A great album nonetheless and nice to see something really original, Si S included!
No one seems to be interested in my Murphy's Live post :o(
The_Pen15 Basic Member Posts:106  
3/1/2007 1:20 PM |
Posted By Dolly on 01 Mar 2007 12:14 PM Pen15, come on?! Leave that genre of music to the Americans! The Loose didn't pull it off I'm afraid! And I don't think any irish band could, it's not in the genes! I think Divine Comedy's album is, contrary to aidans thoughts, a really well thought out album. They spent a long time perfecting it and it's ingenious simplicity is really endearing! As for The Immediate, yeah, they're unlucky. i was sure it was them or Si S. Not sure if The immediates recorded stuff comes across in the same way it does live. A great album nonetheless and nice to see something really original, Si S included! No one seems to be interested in my Murphy's Live post :o( You fail at life
3/1/2007 3:11 PM |
Oh Sorry Pen15, I can't express my opinion, no? All you can come out with is childish crap? Well done, your life is a huge success. Keep it coming my dear.
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
3/2/2007 1:06 AM |
Posted By The_Pen15 on 01 Mar 2007 1:20 PM Posted By Dolly on 01 Mar 2007 12:14 PM Pen15, come on?! Leave that genre of music to the Americans! The Loose didn't pull it off I'm afraid! And I don't think any irish band could, it's not in the genes! I think Divine Comedy's album is, contrary to aidans thoughts, a really well thought out album. They spent a long time perfecting it and it's ingenious simplicity is really endearing! As for The Immediate, yeah, they're unlucky. i was sure it was them or Si S. Not sure if The immediates recorded stuff comes across in the same way it does live. A great album nonetheless and nice to see something really original, Si S included! No one seems to be interested in my Murphy's Live post :o( You fail at life dear o......
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
3/2/2007 1:26 AM |
Leave that genre of music to the Americans! Why?
3/2/2007 1:46 AM |
Dolly, Balls to the divine comedy, neil is a talented songwriter etc etc etc... but that was NOT the best Irish Album regardless..... The point people seem to be missing is that the reason and the representation of the Choice prize is at bes ambigious. It is supposed to award the best album made by an Irish artist over the twelve months, but yet because there are a)so many new acts, releasing good material, and b) the prize being 10g and publishing etc..people assume thats its dedicated to the best NEW Irish band/act's album of the year... Obviously the divine comedy are internationally recognised and a well established group with a sizable back catelogue...10g aint a whole lot to them/him....and I suppose with the exception of snooze patrol david kitt and themselves, the reminder of the shortlist would be "up and coming"...... So what is the Choice prize about then? new band prize or best album regardless? Either way the divine comedy should not have won..good news for their pals who may have stuck money on em at 20 to one!!
rockchicklet New Member Posts:41  
3/2/2007 2:55 AM |
can't see how u can claim the Choice Award is ambigious when u say "the best album made by an Irish artist over the twelve months"!! its just the opinion of 12 judges, thats all. u can agree with it or u can - as i do - vehemently disagree with it. what it does is gets people talking and buying the cds. i know i bought the si schroeder album because it was on the shortlist and i was interested to hear it. i thought it was brilliant. but i still think the immediate should have won - they made the best irish album of 2006, in my opinion never the less, well done to the organisers for having the balls to start up something like this and stick with it. if only other people would get off their arses and DO stuff rather than moan and give out about what other people are doing.
Strangegravy New Member Posts:35  
3/2/2007 4:09 AM |
I was never a big Divine Comedy fan.. but fair play to them. I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall in the judging room though, I was convinced Duke Special was going to win. I think it makes it very interesting for the future of this award though, as it seems if you're on the shortlist you're there because you deserve it and you genuinely are in with a shout of winning it.. rather than being there just to make up the numbers! Kudos to the organisers and judging panel..
3/2/2007 5:06 AM |
Peejay, they just do it better. It's a bit like MJEX, they're a joke - a bit of a novelty in Ireland. Both bands even put on American accents when they sing/talk really quickly! But it's just my opinion, I'm not here to annoy anyone! If you disagree, that's cool!
PARTON: Good name btw :o) The Choice prize aint about best new band, it's about best new album and as rockchiklet points out, it's only the opinion of 12 judges. If it was a public vote, you know full well who would have won - Snooze Patrol (love it Parton!) without a doubt!
As I've said, I'm glad DC won it because I have the album and I really like it but I'm sure The Immediate and Si S were very close to winning it! Any of the three for me and I would have been happy!