Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/4/2006 4:08 PM |
just got this album today, and I highly recommend it. If you're just looking to download a few tracks, try 'Silent Shout;, 'Neverland', 'We Share Our Mothers' Health' and 'Still Light' for size.
alameda Basic Member Posts:121  
4/4/2006 5:15 PM |
i'll second that! the few tracks i've heard are superb, especially the fantastically named 'we share our mother's health'
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
4/4/2006 6:24 PM |
Is it better than 'Deeper Cuts'?
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/5/2006 4:46 PM |
um, better? Different. It's definately going back to its electro routes. Things are more minimal, stripped down. I'm informed by Swedish friends that this is a general trend across the board in the scene over there. Something I didn't know (blush) is that this is their third record, 'The Knife' being the first one, which I don't have but must find.
alameda Basic Member Posts:121  
5/2/2006 4:17 PM |
you can have a listen to the entire album (albeit in mono) on www.silentshout.co.uk
really getting into 'neverland' now