El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
7/22/2004 2:50 PM |
What is the opinion of the Cluas members on these nights that are run in venues around town? I try to get into town to play these nights as often as possible, which ain't easy when you live as far outside town as I do. These gigs never seem to be very well attended though. I know they can be a bit one dimensional sometimes but there are some excellent acts playing at them alot of the times. Well, over to y'all. What think you?.....
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
7/22/2004 3:05 PM |
Have to confess that I haven't been to as many of these as I'd like to. Does this include the acoustic sessions in Doyles? What other venues and on what nights hold these? Any good upcoming ones?
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
7/22/2004 3:27 PM |
I like the doyles sessions. for 5 euro you cant go wrong
But do they really count as open Mic.
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
7/23/2004 7:14 AM |
I would count Doyles as an open mic night. It's just alot harder to get playing there than other open mic nights. The other open mic nights I know about are: on Monday nights: The International on wicklow street (I think that's the street) & The Mez in Temple bar. On Tuesday nights there's The Bankers just off Dame street and The Pale beside Christchurch cathedral and on the Wednesday there is one in the Westmoreland on westmoreland street. I'm sure there are more than that but they are the only ones I know
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
7/23/2004 9:26 AM |
I've played at Doyles myself on more than one occasion. Good venue, good people and at twenty minutes a go you get a good shot at putting yourself across. Have no experience of any of the other places you mentioned. Actually I didn't realise there were so many places in Dublin doing open mic nights, I'll have to get my lazy arse in gear and check 'em out.
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
7/23/2004 9:45 AM |
Most of these nights are run on a first come first serve basis except for the international on Mondays. not sure what the story is with that one. If you go into any of these nights between half 8 and 9 you'd most likely get playing. Alot of these nights have been running out of steam and stopping recently, such as bodkins on Tuesday nights and the pale on Wednesday nights (new one started up on Tuesdays in the pale recently) so support for these very handy resources for Irish musicians is essential if they are to keep on going
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
7/23/2004 9:52 AM |
Some guy posted this on Thumped a while back.
Open Mic nights in Dublin City 2004
The Mezz, Temple Bar,
Eamonn Dorans, Temple bar,
The 108, Rathgar
The International, Wicklow Street.
Mezz night is run by Fiach.
Upstairs in Eamonn Dorans can be nice.
The 108 is a nice bar but I've yet to play the open mic.
The International - sin amplification, book to play in advance.
Slattery's in Rathmines,
The Bankers,
The Dame tavern,
JJ Smiths ,
Ha' Penny Lounge.
Slattery's is my favourite. Run by Barry Kavanagh
Never played JJs, very famous pub though.
Ha' Penny - great but must book in advance.
The others have their moments.
The Pale, near Christ church.
Can be nice. Run by Siabhin. I used to play here when it was called Malloys.
Devits of wexford street.
This is more of a singers session. Everyone takes turns and musicians play acompanyment.
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
7/23/2004 10:12 AM |
Cheers flagman. I hadn't heard of alot of them. I think the Ha' penny inn is phasing out singer songwriters in favour of comedians. There is a new open mic night that started up last Wednesday in the westmoreland run by Paddy. This is basically to give the musicians that used to play in the ha' penny inn somewhere to play. It's open to everyone though
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
7/23/2004 11:24 AM |
If anyone of you or any decent singer/songwriters are playing any of theses nights, post it up here so I can catch your set.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
7/23/2004 11:28 AM |
No, Post it in the Gig anouncements forum! I'll only end up moving it anyway.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
7/23/2004 11:31 AM |
Sorry I meant to say post it up on the Cluas board.
karlvin New Member Posts:97  
7/23/2004 2:17 PM |
Probably not in the exact vein of open mics but a few more ,
The Boom Boom Room - "microset sessions" , ususally on friday nights - have played it a great venue sounds is great and the crowd are usually very appreciative. , Above Patrick Conways on Parnell st.
The Hub-Mezz , Tuesday nights , "on the verge" , run by brendan hickey , usually accoustic go on first and the bands are on later on.
There used to be on in the Isaac Butt on a monday but it's stopped due to bad attendances , which was a pity as the venue rocked. Perhaps with the new look Isaac it'll start up again.
The Voodoo lounge also used to do a sunday sessions kinda of thingy , you'd have to check to see if they re-instated it.
Slatterys is rathmines is good and there's also one in rathgar now on mondays in the 108 pub.
Brown's barn in citywest also run one (although) I know nothing about that one.
The Green Room in the Holiday Inn Pierce St. Do an open mic once a month called "From the Bedroom to the Green room? " or something like that , I haven't played it but it looks like a good set up. It's a first come / first served joby.
..hmmm , think that's it.
10/16/2006 12:53 AM |
Theres The Zodiac Sessions in Bruxelles every Wednesday guys.
Have a look at the website, www.TheZodiacSessions.com to give you an idea of what its like.