6/8/2004 8:57 PM |
After being barred from the T.B.M.C. last month for no reason, I have heard that is not unusual. The place has a reputation for that over the last few yew years. I would be interested to know if people have had the same misfortunes.
the perfect cousin New Member Posts:9  
6/9/2004 10:26 PM |
I was at there last summer at a gig which shall remain nameless so i dont get laughed at, but this band is ska punk and the crowd was frickin mental. people were also smoking joints. the bouncers didn't do squat, just laughed when the people who were crowd surfing fell onto their backs from 6 or 7 feet up. now that was just as bad as your prediciment Bugger1. They are faggots in the ambassador though, they dont even let you sing along with the music or sway your arms in that dump. knob 'eads! Harsh.
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
6/10/2004 12:57 PM |
Agree with you on the ambassador, they threw a mate of mine out for jumping around, but the way they brought him out was actually very dangerous, one of the monkeys must have been shown a martial arts hold by a drunken cop or something, long story short he didnt know what he was doin and nearly broke my mates neck, i had to bend his arm to get him to let go,
this is exactly the type of occasion a picture phone and the word "solicitor" should be brought up. that usually puts manners on these rambos. of course they may beat you with your own phone
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
6/10/2004 6:13 PM |
Yep. There was a David Kitt gig there (TBMC) about a year ago. One of the bouncers started some kind of fight with one of Kitt's musicians...ended up a big melee outside the door with loads of the crowd yelling abuse. I generally stay away from the place: the acoustics are rotten anyhow.
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
6/10/2004 6:43 PM |
they are trouble makin c**ts. worst bouncers in dublin. no rhyme or reason to them
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
6/11/2004 1:05 AM |
Looks like nothing much has changed since I lived in Dublin four years ago. They've always been knobs at the TBMC.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
6/11/2004 11:03 AM |
Agreed, only just last at the Mogwai DJ set there was this guy just dancing around and they kicked him out, the dude went to get his bag and stuff and the bouncer was just pushing the guy looking for a reason to hit the guy...f**king eejits!!
the perfect cousin New Member Posts:9  
6/11/2004 11:26 PM |
Which reminds me, I went to see a Jimmy Eat World show in the ambassador, was young and foolish so decided to give crowd surfing a go. One of the bouncers went to pull me down and ended up using my body to carelessly mash some poor guys face off the top of the metal barrier and really hurt him. I learnt my lesson and actually went looking for the fella afterwards to apologise. I felt extremely bad about it, for quite a few weeks, especially since I couldn't find him. But that just shows the extent of their training and how much they actually care about concert goers' safety. Although i know i wasnt acting very responsibly! All they want to do is vent their aggression and act hard as nails.
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
6/14/2004 11:55 AM |
anyone know how toxic promotions manage to (as best i know) not have security at their gigs?
correct me if im wrong, i usually am
6/14/2004 1:12 PM |
Who the hell are toxic promotions?
Lucera Basic Member Posts:180  
6/14/2004 4:48 PM |
they were in charge of the dropkick murphys gig on st paddies day in tbmc, no security at all, apparently everyone was invited up on stage by the band at one stage and shock horror no one was hurt, so it goes to show,...something....not sure what my point is... too much beer has melted by brain.