eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
2/28/2004 5:22 PM |
Now, I know I'm inexcusably slow off the cultural mark here but I only saw that (tremendous) movie 'Lost in Translation' last night for the first time. And as yiz all undoubtedly know Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine contributed a number of newly penned songs for the soundtrack, his first original material since MBV's 'Loveless' was released 12 years ago. Loveless is one of the most enduring, remarkable records I have ever heard. It was - and remains - peerless. Easily one of my top 5 albums ever. So some new material, even at this remove, from Mr. Shields is a blessing. After seeing the film and hearing his new tunes I spent a sad chunk of today surfing the WWW reading about the film's background, ordering the soundtrack on CDWOW and seeking some stuff on how Sofia Coppola bagged Kevin Shields for the soundtrack. In doing so I came across an interview with Mr. Shields printed in some Canadian rag last September (link to article below) in which he revealed that a reunion hasn't been ruled out. Now that would be something. I did some searches but couldn’t find anything about any such reunion in the press since the interview was published but then there was something back in NME last July. Links and stuff below: Canadian interview with Shields (scroll down past the Sofia Coppola article): http://www.exclaim.ca/index.asp?layid=22&csid1=1881 NME’s MBV reunion story from last July: http://www.nme.com/news/105623.htm Anybody heard anything any more recent? eoghan
johnny cash New Member Posts:39  
2/29/2004 2:15 AM |
that would be the best thing since the jesus and mary chain got it together back in 97, i would love to see my bloody valentine live. what a gig that would be
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/1/2004 9:50 AM |
If there was any justice in the world, Lost in Translation would be taking the best picture oscar and not Lord of The Rings. Anyway no point in compalining about the oscars, its still a great movie.
I doubt you will be seeing MBV playing live anytime soon. Technically speaking MBV never really split up, they've just haven't done anything in the last couple of years. Kevin Shields still has a valid contract with Island Records.
What is likely to happen however is the release of a MBV DVD and two box sets.
If you like My Bloody Valentine its also worth checking out a band called M83 and their album "Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts" - Its nowhere near as good as Loveless, but still a pretty great album.
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
3/1/2004 2:04 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
If you like My Bloody Valentine its also worth checking out a band called M83 and their album "Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts" - Its nowhere near as good as Loveless, but still a pretty great album.
i really liked the M83 single '0097h' but then i went to see them live and they awful. despite the fact that they had drafted in an excellent drummer, it was just really boring droning guitar music with all of the pretty melodies and stuff pre-sequenced. it can be really disappointing when you see a band and so much of the music is pre-programmed.
an MBV revival would indeed be welcome. i love that scene in Lost in Translation with 'Loveless' playing over lingering shots of Tokyo.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/1/2004 2:13 PM |
Eyeballkid I'm surprised you thought M83 were rubbish live - saw them play the Sugar Club not so long ago and was blown away - the whole band got really into it - and created a huge wall of sound, very cinematic, very dramatic - really really enjoyable, maybe they were having an off night??
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/1/2004 2:24 PM |
Eyeballkid, I've never seen M83 live, but I totally agree with you about using pre-programmed stuff in a gig, it can be so boring, which is why I have such respect for the Chemical Brothers. They may not be regarded the coolest band anymore but when they play live, they always seemed to be able to make their performances seem spontaneous even though they were working with samplers, synths an drum machines. Funnily enough the Chemical Brothers were heavily influenced by MBV.
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
3/1/2004 2:42 PM |
The outstanding piece of music for me in Lost in Translation had to be the crescendo'd 'Just Like Honey' at the end...powerful stuff.
I'm sure all right-minded folks have it, but the Jesus and Mary Chain's Psychocandy is an essential purchase, all the more so for any MBV fans (I'd meekly argue).
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
3/1/2004 3:14 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
Eyeballkid I'm surprised you thought M83 were rubbish live - saw them play the Sugar Club not so long ago and was blown away - the whole band got really into it - and created a huge wall of sound, very cinematic, very dramatic - really really enjoyable, maybe they were having an off night??
well i saw the much vaunted !!! at the same gig and thought they were crap too, so maybe i was just in one of those moods. however i did talk to a lot of people that night who were similarly unimpressed with M83. still i do think their recorded stuff is good, i just figured they couldn't translate it very well to the live arena.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/1/2004 3:57 PM |
Air's track for Lost In Translation - 'Alone in Kyoto' is such a beautiful bit of music, but easily my favourite track in the film (after my much loved Roxy Music done Karaoke style) was from another french band, Phoenix, a song called 'Too Young' (scene in film where they're all jumpin around the room at a party and Bill Murray mentions it to his wife on the phone) - brilliant band, song is from a fantastically bizarre album called United. Any fans?
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
3/1/2004 7:47 PM |
It's a nice song indeed Dromed - that guy on the BBC Across the Line show has been spinning it for a while now...
It's sounds like it was recorded in 1983..I could even see a latter days Phil Lynott singing it..it makes me wonder are Talk Talk overdue a revivial?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/2/2004 9:51 AM |
Talk Talk were a class band...Damn that No Doubt pack of bast*rds anyway
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/2/2004 10:45 AM |
Woohoo! my Lost in Translation CD finally came in the post yesterday. Put it on my CD player only intending to listen to one or two tracks but I got totallly sucked in and ended up listening to the entire album from beginning to end. Not many CDs have that effect, making you lose track of time.
Anyway, I wasn't exactly blown away by that Phoenix track, its a nice song and its fairly catchy but I felt that it was one of the albums weakest moments. I certainly didn't remember it from the movie. It reminds of "one more time" by Daft Punk for some strange reason.
Aside from the MBV and Jesus and Mary Chain tracks, which I have already because I already own the albums they were taken from, the best tracks for me were the Kevin Shields tracks and "Girls" by Death in Vegas. Kevin Shields "City Girl" sounds almost like Brian Wilson could have wrote it.
Anyway, my favourite tracks will possibly change again in a few days, I love this entire album, but I do have one very minor complaint!
(begin rant)
Hidden Tracks...grrr. Why is Bill Murrays amusing redintion of "more than this" stuck over 10 minutes from the rest of the album. Hidden tracks were kind of amusing at first, but now I just find them annoying. First of all, they are not hidden, its easy to figure out there is a hidden track because you can clearly see on your CD player that the last track is way too long. The only genuinely hidden CD track I have ever come accross is Soulwaxs remix of Kylies "can't get you out of my head" on the 2 many DJs album, where they corrupted the CD track index so that the album starts halfway into the first track but shows up on your CD player as 0:00 and you had to search back minus 4 and a half minutes to hear the kylie track.
Secondly, you are left with over ten minutes of silence, which is really annoying if you are listening in the car and can't take your hands off the wheel to search through to the end of the CD.
Please, no more hidden tracks! or if an artist really wants to put a little suprise at the end of an album, just put it on a seperate track with no silence but don't list it on the packaging.
I know some CD players can skip silence, but not all CD players have this feature.
(end rant)
tommythecatz New Member Posts:43  
3/2/2004 10:55 AM |
On David Grays album the hidden track is before the first track as well. Its a cool idea; shame he is so s**t
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
3/2/2004 12:01 PM |
Does anyone else remember queuing and queuing to get into packed whelans' to see david gray back the 90s?
Strange the way he repeatedly fooled us all by later revealing himself to be sh*te...
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/2/2004 12:21 PM |
I love the way this messageboard can wander gloriously off-topic, what were we talking about originally? 
No, I don't remember queing to see Mr. Gray, but I did go out lemming-like and buy White Ladder just like the rest of the population. Lets not forget that before he was a staple of the Dido loving daytime radio crowd, he was the darling of No Disco hipsterdom. In fairness, its actually a good album, most likely because of the circumstances in which it was created. He had just been ditched by his record company and wrote and recorded it at home. It was not good enough however to withstand being played to death by daytime radio. When he created the follow up album, he seems to have forgot what made White Ladder so special, out went the recorded at home feel and perfect post club atmosphere to be replaced with a bigger budget and complete blandness. Its a really fine line between a great laid back feeling album and easy listening boredom and David Gray crossed it.
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
3/2/2004 1:17 PM |
Yeah, there's was a ferocious buzz after Sell Sell Sell came out. Remember seeing him in the old Mean Fiddler in Dublin in 96, and it was a great show, heaving with the no-discoites.
Something definitely went missing after the White Ladder explosion though. I still find it funny that he so often rejected out of hand by the cognescenti now - such is the power of the middle-class Dido-buying public I suppose.
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
3/2/2004 1:20 PM |
i remember hearing Shine by David Gray on No Disco years ago and thinking what a great song, shame he'll never get anywhere. how wrong i was? still it was Ireland that kept him going in those days, when he always seemed to be playing Connollys of Leap. should we apologise to the world for that?
dirtyboots New Member Posts:58  
3/2/2004 9:18 PM |
this is oh so shameless but all you mbv heads should check out the opiates this thursday at the hub. you'd
be surprised how few people are impressed by noise!
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
3/11/2004 12:18 PM |
Dromed - I have United by Phoenix.
A hidden gem...
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
3/12/2004 3:19 PM |
Very interesting interview with Kevin Shields in today's Guardian. Check it out here.