stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
2/16/2004 11:30 AM |
On Friday, my girl and I went to see a Norwegian singer-songwriter going by the rather unusual moniker of Magnet. The venue? An obscure little place called Bush Hall in West London.
The gig was ok... bass too heavy and rather loud, but still enjoyable enough. But... they didn't play one of the highlights of last year's album, a Dylan tune called Lay Lady Lay, a gorgeous duet with Gemma Hayes.
So I left halfway through the encore (my girl already having left at this point - enjoy it she didn't... ) and we're wandering back up to Shepherd's Bush station when a girl stops us in the street... "Do you guys know where Bush Hall is?...".
It was only bloody Gemma Hayes herself, trying to find the venue. So we wander back up the street to see if we can get her in there before the end of the gig. No such luck... So Gemma decides she'd better do a disappearing act and we wander back to Shepherd's Bush with another mate of hers that she had randomly met at the venue.
Apparently she is hard at work on the album, feels that she has been away for too long and that CLUAS will definitely get an interview prior to its release...
Im sure you guys out there will have bigger and better stories to tell than that...
2/16/2004 12:20 PM |
I worked in Hertz Rent A Car in Dublin Airport for a couple of Summers back in my student years and because we were working for a rental car company, we met a fair share of famous people. We were cleaning cars and fuelling them, etc. etc.
Probably the most famous one was Steven Spielberg 'cos that was the same year they filmed battle scenes in Wexford for Saving Private Ryan. So he comes into the yard saying "Thanks so much for the caaaaarrrr, it's really great, you Irish are good people etc. etc." in a rather eccentric American accent. Nice bloke I guess, but we were busier than hos in harlem that day so we just said whatever, you're welcome lad-di-da.
We also met Larry & The Edge from U2 'cos they played Popmart that year, the Edge was a pretty cool, friendly guy actually. Hmmm, who else? Michelle Smith (or De Bruin, whatever her name is).
Probably the most bittersweet thing for me was that I had to clean a really fancy Mercedes and was told to do it RIGHT!!!! in those terms. So I cleaned it to a shine and got someone to drive it out. I found out less than half an hour later that it was actually a chauffer-driven merc for Michael Stipe on his way to the Popmart gig. If only I had known and I was pretty gutted that I missed a golden opportunity to meet the singer from my all time favourite band. Oh well.
I also did the Special Olympics last year and met loads of people though didn't really talk much to them. Pierce Brosnan, Patrick Kiehlty (friendly guy I must say), Mickey Harte followed my group to unsuccessfully and prattedly chat up all my female team members and I got to slag off Bono during a rehearsal. I was also on Clonliffe Road where I was in a hurry back to a base and here's Arnold Schwarzenegger standing with the Austrian team. But I was so much in a hurry, so without stopping all I said was "Hi Arnie, loved you in Terminator 2 please tell me T3 isn't crap!". He gave me a bit of a funny look but I didn't really care.
Jesus, reading back over this I realise that I've met a fair few famous people.Even so, I never got invited somewhere to hang out like you did stephen.
But I don't really care anyway, I'm not the type to be gobsmacked by celebrities, they've 2 arms, 2 legs and a head like me, that's the way I see it, so I'm never really put out by it.
So from a certain point of view, typing a thread this obscenely long has been an utter waste of time. D'oh! Oh well, my alternative is work.
Ok, that's more than enough from me.
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
2/16/2004 12:24 PM |
Sitting outside Bruxelles on the Monday after Witnness 2000 when Shaun Ryder walks around the corner.
Anyway, we call him over and we chat for a while about music and what he's planning next, when the subject of drugs comes up (of course!), he's looking for some pills and has already had a taxi driver drive around a council estate looking for some!
So, we indicate that we might be able to help him so he gives us his number, which to this day my mate still has in his phone.
Anyway, we never did call him back, I often wonder what that night out would of been like.
| Basic Member Posts:201  
2/16/2004 4:15 PM |
don't have much time:
The Edge outside Hairy Lemon (legend fella, very friendly) and then saw him again a week later in Elverys! left him alone the second time though.
I once queued behind Morrissey in Tower (no, he wasn't buying Smiths stuff!)and met Elvis Costello while he was shopping in Virgin Megastore, nice guy but that might've been fear the way I tackled him)...
Accosted Bobby Robson in an Airport... and had a pint with Leo from Fair City, does he count?
Oh yeah, a classic - met Paddy Casey in Dorans a few years back, decided to make small talk... "so Paddy, you're just back from London i believe, where are you off to next?" i asked. "the jacks" came the reply as he melted into the crowd. it still hurts.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/16/2004 4:27 PM |
I've met lots of random people, none of them famous :P
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
2/18/2004 4:20 PM |
gemma hayes? famous? i clicked on the topic thinkin it would be peter andre or someone.
2/19/2004 10:01 AM |
i once saw that bird who sings for hirise. that was a real highlight but i just couldnt get close enogh to say hello.
2/19/2004 10:30 AM |
Ah Gh ye ould charmer.
Does this sort of tact work on you Dromed? Or will you succumb to the mention of being a "highlight"? (Must try that at the next CLuas writer's thingy)
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
2/19/2004 1:15 PM |
Bloody hell, it's all gone a bit Lionel Richie here. Dromed, I demand you commence work on a clay model of GH's head....
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
2/19/2004 1:59 PM |
Ken Doherty. Athlone. 1997.
The man was, and is, a legend (as well as being world champion that year).
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/19/2004 2:41 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Vent My Spleen
Bloody hell, it's all gone a bit Lionel Richie here. Dromed, I demand you commence work on a clay model of GH's head....
Vent, I have clay models of all y'all and do midnite voodoo on yer asses.
I once had a bizarre emailing 'relationship' with Conrad Keely from Trail of Dead...does that count? Ahh cyber love, it never works *sigh*
2/19/2004 3:42 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
Ahh cyber love, it never works *sigh*
You probably should take that as a cold shoulder Gh....

smellygirl New Member Posts:5  
2/20/2004 6:50 PM |
does ray d'arsy count as famous. met tommy teirnan. ignorant prick in person.
QsySue Basic Member Posts:119  
2/23/2004 11:47 PM |
Hmm. I met U2 when I was 16 (1986) in San Francisco. I'm very impressed now, looking back, that they took the time to talk to us, when it was obvious they were so tired.
I also met Joan Baez that day. Couple months later met the Alarm. Also Kim Thayil of Soundgarden.
I'm sure there's some I'm forgetting. I know a lot of people in bands these days, but I doubt any of them are anyone that you guys would know. I love how the internet makes it easier to contact bands you admire.
TankGirl New Member Posts:2  
2/24/2004 2:44 PM |
That bloke from Snow patrol? I've had him.
2/25/2004 5:23 PM |
met paddy casey. and dermot morgan. thats bout it. oh and harry shearer aka mr burns and a load of characters in the simpsons. actually he doesnt count. i didnt go up and talk to him. aah crap.