caps lock New Member Posts:35  
1/27/2004 3:42 PM |
Kula Shaker?!
Following a lengthy discussion over the weekend on the inspired topic of cd's that embarass you, I was forced to admit that I still own a copy of the Kula Shaker album from many moons ago. Their particular brand of New Age Shangri La-ism sank without a trace and it got me to thinking about where they are now. Am I right in thinking their frontmans name was Crispin Mills? Sure, what chance did they ever have?
Any other suggestions for bands who fell foul of the nbt (next big thing) curse?
pablohoney New Member Posts:33  
1/27/2004 4:32 PM |
alas i still own that album too! havent listened to it in years but i know i really liked it at the time!
anyway i remember hearing a while back that crispin mills was up to something new but i cant remember now what it was
anyone have any ideas?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/28/2004 10:29 AM |
Yeah I had 'K' too and have to admit i did like it - I even went to see them in the SFX - they managed to make the kip look like a Harem if you can believe that! Not a bad band I thought at the time. I believe the organ player was playin for Oasis on tour recently enough...or was that some bizarre dream I had? They did have a kind of greatest hits album called Kollected - even though they'd only two albums to be pickin songs from...that's a bit egotistical!
I also went through various phases of liking Marion, Lush, Grant Lee Buffalo, Mansun, Gene, White Out, The Bluetones, Mother Earth, Corduroy, Galliano and Flowered Up...all of whom seemed to have disappeared into the vaults...but probably just as well for some of them!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
1/28/2004 1:28 PM |
Gene released the rather excellent "Libertine" last year but only toured England.
Grant Lee Phillips is still doing his thing solo. Check out "Mobilize", probably his best solo.
Actually dug out some old LPs over Christmas and gave Weekender EP a spin. Very much of it's time.
Last I heard, Mills was recording under the name Jeevas, or some such.
The rest, Dromed, are alas, best left in their box.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/28/2004 1:39 PM |
Don't dismiss Lush entirely, any band that can write a decent pop song about a small Fiat (500-shake baby shake) gets respect from me!
1/29/2004 3:26 AM |
Hi, has anyone heard of the band Hally?
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
1/29/2004 4:19 PM |
Dunno what Kula Shaker are up to but I know the bass player is in Johnny Marrs new band along with Ringo Stars son zac on drums
caps lock New Member Posts:35  
2/3/2004 4:19 PM |
Thanks for all the info on the 'Shaker-tis much appreciated.
I'm shocked and appaled to discover they have a greatest hits album though...
As for Mansun, Lush, Gene and The Bluetones, well, I loved them all too. I blame Dave Fanning!