11/20/2003 1:30 PM |
once again Wacko Jacko is being hauled in for child abuse claims. What do you think folks, is he a perv or not?
Personally, I find it a bit coincidental that his new album is about to released and this has come up. The circumstances are a bit too similar to the allegations put against him in the early 90s.
It's quite possible that he's a pervert, and that TV documentary earlier this year will not help him here. God knows he's not "normal" but then again after the childhood and life he's led, how could he possibly be normal? Not that that would excuse him from these crimes if he's guilty of them.
Nevertheless, I'm a firm believer in a man is innocent until proven guilty. Who knows, yet another kid might make a few million bucks out of this.
What do you think?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/20/2003 4:05 PM |
I found that documentary with Martin Bashir disturbing on so many levels. The guy has had one f**ked up life and is so far removed from reality its scary. Throughout the programme it got more obvious that at some point he stopped growing up...emotionally, psychologically. Just stopped and stayed childlike (he acts like a child, thinks like a child and relates to adults and other children as a child)...now the question is did he consciously decide to do this...is it an act? Or is it a genuine pyschological reaction to a f**ked up childhood where he was by all acounts physically and mentally abused and possibly sexually abused?
I haven't read anything that he has been found with child porn vids or computer files etc, unlike the likes of Gary Glitter. Though of course that doesn't mean he didn't abuse those kids. However, as you've pointed out Q2 he has to be innocent until proven guilty. Someone in his position is a target for accusations like these. The parents of the last child took a €17m settlement for dropping their sons case against him. I don't know...i find it hard to believe if their child had been abused they would not have just preferred to see him do time instead of profiting from it?
Sad as it is if he is genuine and hasn't hurt these kids, and for all the sympathy you might have for someone so mentally backward, the guy is a grown man, like it or not he should know better then to put himself into situations where such accusations could take foundation but I'd hate to see a witch hunt start for the guy if it's untrue.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
11/20/2003 4:14 PM |
Even more disturbing is the fact that parents leave their children in his presence unsupervised. I mean, it's not like these allegations are breaking news.
11/20/2003 4:22 PM |
I didn't think Dromed's response could be topped, but that's an interesting point Spleeno. Even so, it also raises another interesting question. What if he actually is innocent? Then the parents in question would have good reason to leave them with him unsupervised as in what resulted in the out of court thing years ago and again now.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
11/21/2003 10:07 AM |
Innocent or not, irrespective of how he came to be this way, he is a very strange man with very poor judgement of the situations he puts himself in. Sadly, I think he needs the sort of help no spoon bender can give....
Jimbo big balls New Member Posts:33  
11/24/2003 12:46 PM |
Aparantly the parent`s of this child have said they will not take a payment they are out for blood.But with all the s**t that has gone before this he should have been investigated a long time ago.Personally if they find him guilty they should f**kin string him up for interfering with innocent children.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
12/1/2003 7:57 PM |
I actually believe he's innocent. I think that since he's had no childhood he never got the chance to grow up as Dromed put it. Therefore he likes to play with children (non-sexually speaking) and thus makes himself a target for anyone looking for a get-rich-quick scheme.
Still though he is one strange dude...
needs are needs New Member Posts:13  
12/2/2003 2:58 PM |
people denied that priests were brutalising children for years behold the power of the church ,if i am not mistaken young jackson has money therefore he has power ,gary glitter wouldnt have the same wealth i am presuming here .leave the kids alone they grow up far to quick and having...
(part of original posting deleted by paranoid Moderator as the posting was libellous, or however it is you spell that word)
needs are needs New Member Posts:13  
12/2/2003 3:00 PM |
(Original posting deleted by prude of Moderator as the posting was - yawn - profane)
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
12/4/2003 1:36 PM |
First up, if you don't subscribe to popbitch www.popbitch.com, give it a whirl, always a good larf.
Second is this priceless link from amazon they included this week. Check out the customer Recommendations on what to buy with you Michael Jackson compilation...
Wise Eyes New Member Posts:1  
12/8/2003 5:00 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Q2
once again Wacko Jacko is being hauled in for child abuse claims. What do you think folks, is he a perv or not?
Personally, I find it a bit coincidental that his new album is about to released and this has come up. The circumstances are a bit too similar to the allegations put against him in the early 90s.
It's quite possible that he's a pervert, and that TV documentary earlier this year will not help him here. God knows he's not "normal" but then again after the childhood and life he's led, how could he possibly be normal? Not that that would excuse him from these crimes if he's guilty of them.
Nevertheless, I'm a firm believer in a man is innocent until proven guilty. Who knows, yet another kid might make a few million bucks out of this.
What do you think?
I totally agree with you. I have been wondering the same thing about why people have forgotten about how a man is innocent until proven guilty. Personally I believe he is innocent and I have also noticed the patterns in this case and the case over 10 years ago. I am just wondering if nobody else sees it. It doesn't seem like they do because there was to be a special program featuring Michael Jackson's number one hits since he began his separate career form the jackson five ...........but the the network cancelled it due to the fact that he was being accused of a severe crime and they did not want people to believe that they thought he was innocent nor guilty. That didn't make sense. If they cancelled the program, wouldn't that lead people to believe that they assumed he was guilty and didn't want to admire a pedofile's life achievements. That was my take on things. Wouldn't you agree?
antietina New Member Posts:1  
12/27/2003 10:32 AM |
Reading your comments I had to sign up to post.. the comments are so .. I want to say silly. Where do I start? Lets start with the big payoff. Michael paying some messed up parents (you think any kid seen a dime?)a huge amount of money for something the parents came up with.. of course the kid was too young to know what was going on but knew he had fun with Michael at the ranch ( an abused child will be scared or opressed). I say that as a parent of to boys.. if my child was molested as charged I would have to kill a man before I would take a dime.
Now after this man has done so many wonderful things for thousands of kids and even more wonderful things for kids that couldn't make it to the park some adult wants to make some money. I am sorry but this is messed up.. kids have been going to Neverland for years.. (after the last thing) and mom and dad never had a problem because kids were treated like kings and queens... until they went broke! A few bad "broke" apples do spoil a bunch!
I hope life can get back to normal for the money hungry parents kids as soon as possible .. for the kids. And Michael.. use your money for the lawyers because if you pay off the parents this will never end. I know I said this with the first ones. so .. told ya so..lol
the delay lama New Member Posts:1  
12/31/2003 2:05 PM |
agree with antietina, these allegations are all about dollars..
1/24/2004 6:56 AM |
IT IS STUPID TO CALL HIM A PEDO BECAUSE HE HAS SPENT HIS ENTIRE LIFE HELPING KIDS..HE HAS DONATED HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO CHILDREN CHARITIES!!! please people who say he is guilty: it is so bad and sad if he is really innocent and is facing these thing because they want his money!!! If he really is innocent and if michael himself is vitim here what will you do? the world is breaking guys heart for decades...They never honoured him for songs like -heal the world, earth song, lost cildren-
pablohoney New Member Posts:33  
1/27/2004 5:48 PM |
i believe he is innocent
as others have said he is much too childlike and innocent to be guilty of such things
however the parents are irresponsible for letting their kids stay over at his place as the guy obviously has some serious problems!
we have to ask ouselves would the parents let their kids sleep over in a 40 year olds house if he was a teacher or a windowcleaner?
no-because its creepy guilty or not guilty!