9/12/2003 11:08 AM |
The great man passed away earlier today. May he RIP. Just read it on http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/3103164.stm
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
9/12/2003 12:04 PM |
I wonder is the man he shot in Reno waiting for him ?
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
9/12/2003 9:56 PM |
well hopefully he ain't in a burin ring of fire!
and we onlly lost sam phillips about a month ago too. johnny didn't last too long after june carter his wife and music partner tho' she only died 2 months ago. it seems the vanguard are all dying now. we were lucky to have them. but Mr Cash is a sore loss what a man, what a rock n roller!
interestingly enough after all the legendary recordings and money he made for his label they dropped him like a hot cake a couple of years ago cos Garth Brooks and his ilk were making the money, and only for the integrity of Rick Rubin, (who wouldn't let the unspeakble sacrilege occur and put him on his own label) would we have had any of the last years of works.
jus shows ya what an ungrateful and horrid fate awaits you, after all the hard years slogging, no rest fro the wicked, even if your a multi million selling genius.
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
9/12/2003 9:59 PM |
mind you as long as there are genuine devotees out there like Rick Rubin ....long live the revolution
Jed Gibbons New Member Posts:5  
9/14/2003 11:29 PM |
Rest easy Johnny. You'll be sadly missed but, fondly remembered
9/17/2003 12:42 PM |
Yet another Legend slips through to the other side truly sad. R.I.P
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
9/17/2003 4:10 PM |
the subtonics and the things hijacked a karaoke bar on oldham street manchester, the average age in the place was about 60, we subjected a bemused set of locals to our own brand of irish charm and basically caused havoc in the place...in the midst of the havoc however we made some good friends and won the hearts of many....shane walsh, drummer of the subtonics took to the stage in a blaze of glory and as his party piece sang a rousing version of 'a boy named sue' it was a loose but fitting tribute to a performer that has touched so many people young and old right up to the day of his death....it was your typical northern working class boozer....everyone in the place raised their glass in the memory of johnny cash. what a legend
fishface New Member Posts:25  
9/17/2003 7:31 PM |
Ya that was f**king great! But we better not tell them what you sang dirty.f**king mad for it in memory of the man in black.
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
9/18/2003 12:08 AM |
the pet shop boys : always on my mind
kept the pogues : fairytale of new york off the xmas no.1 spot in 1987
no shame in that fishface...but dont tell them the other song i sang or id be hung for bein a suspected mod....im tellin yis, you all shoulda came to manchester
Jimbo big balls New Member Posts:33  
9/18/2003 11:22 AM |
I`d say it was a sight to behold alright!How did the Subs and Thing`s get on.Any news on that front!Always on my mind a personal favourite of mine wish I was there to hear it agh god the memories.