Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/26/2003 4:21 PM |
What was your first ever gig? Are u ashamed about it now? What was the first gig that ever made you think...Jaysus I want to be in a band?
....My first gig ever ever ever was EMF in the SFX (think it was 1950 or something - joke) loved it - it was full of mad-out-of-it freaky kids and the venue was so bolin hot that the sweat was turning into condensation and dripping back off the ceiling on to the crowd in big gobs of goo....Mmmm nice.
Most ashamed to have gone to see D:ream at a 2FM beat on the street s**t fest....less said about that the better....
..most life-changing gig was a toss-up between Pulp in the SFX in 1996 or something / Doves in Temple Bar Music Centre 2000? / Beck in Dublin Castle - 1999?
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
2/26/2003 4:58 PM |
my first gig was the prodigy with my sister and her mates in the point cant remember what year i was about 14 at the time mad gig brilliant didnt have a clue what was goin on around me!! also that was a gig that made me want ot get into sound engineering etc class!
the worst gig Take That in the point (dont ask!) i still cringe:)
the best gigs ive ever been at would have to be Prince at the point , george clinton at the redbox , Beck in dublin castle was amazing New Order at landsdowne(although the crowd where s**t they blew me away and the prayerboat in the music centre to name but a few!
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
2/26/2003 9:52 PM |
I'm showing me age here but it was Frankie Goes To feckin Hollywood in the RDS Simmonscourt (rembemer that?) in - gulp - March 1985. Brilliant gig. The first date on their first ever tour. Even so I didn't feel a bit cool cuz I went with me Da. Although he stayed down the back and I braved the fray up front.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/27/2003 8:32 AM |
Mine first gig i suppose was REM in slane...
great gig...liam galagher flying in a helicopter for the first time..
sharon shannon used as crowd control ( and my god did they
clear when she came on )
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
2/27/2003 9:06 AM |
First gig...hmmm. The first one that made an impact on me was U2 in Croke Park (I think it was 1985). Strangely, It was the support who blew me away. Lou Reed and Lloyd Cole and The Pogues.
Worst gig is a toughie. There have been quite a few crap gigs but nothing really cringeworthy. Oh, come to think of it, I did strong armed by a lady (oh matron!) into seeing Christy Dignam a few times but I knew it was crap at the time so that doesn't really count (I hope)
There is one gig that I remember being particularly cringeworthy. Must have been about 1987, the Thompson Twins had failed to sell out the SFX and they wound up playing an afternoon gig in Stephen's Green. They came on after some calibre of Oi! skinhead band and laboured through their set in the face of volleys of abuse and gob. Two years earlier they were regulars in the Top 10. How the mighty had fallen. Still, even then, I admired their resolve to do a half decent gig.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
2/27/2003 10:27 AM |
First gig that made an impact was Eric Clapton in the point, I was 14 and it was the first time I had ever heard live music played at that level, the opening number sent shivers went down my spine.
Most cringful gig was ..... Milli vanilli, it wasn't live for some srange reason. 
2/27/2003 10:29 AM |
Good idea for a post Dromed. And nice one Klootfan, my first gig was also REM in slane 95. Great show, one particular memory I have is when they were playing It's the End of the World As We know it, 80,000 people spontaneously picked up all the rubbish and started throwing it in the air. A mad sight from the top of the hill, the recycling companies would have been in heaven.
However, at the risk of image deformation, I have to say I actually enjoyed Sharon Shannon. I was cursing the prospect of seeing her all the way on the bus, but I don't know. It was a very Irish crowd and in the sun-baked beer-swilling atmosphere of it all, It turned out to be right craic.
Slane always has memories like that, remeber Liam Gallagher getting hit in the face with a rock? Pure gold. It's a wonder his teeth lasted as long as they did.
I remember the Verve in 98 where all the crowd sat down for their set and lit about 20 bonfires lighting up the entire venue, a wonderful sight.
The worst gig I was ever at was the Divine Comedy in Dublin Castle 2001. I'd seen them play great live shows before, but that one was a desperate disappointment. I have never seen so many bored people in one place before......well, actually I have, Massive Attack supporting Radiohead in the RDS in 97. People were in tears waiting for them to finish.
And just to rip my reputation to shreds, I was at Robbie Williams in 99 (with Stereophonics supporting-criiiiiinge!!!) and I feel sick to this day that I actually enjoyed that show.
Christ, I have rambled on a bit, I'm going to go......
2/27/2003 10:32 AM |
First gig I ever saw was Nik Kershaw in the SFX. Fantastic!
I also saw that Thompson Twins gig in Stephens Green. I also saw them in the RDS and they had a robot playing the keyboards! Yes, a robot!
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
2/27/2003 9:17 PM |
the first gig i was ever at was "therapy?" in the point, supported by a very teenaged and dodgy "ash" and ahhhhaa i loved it. it rocked.
the worst gig i have ever had to endure was richie kavanagh in some s**t hole in the back arse of nowhere....but when i think about it, that gig was soooo bad that i actually derived a kind of perverse enjoyment from it.so maybe something else then.
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
2/28/2003 2:04 PM |
First gig I was ever at was James Last wit me aul lad. Who the f**k is James Last I hear the masses cry.....some tacky German orchestra-meister. The best is a tie between James Brown/Roni Size dj set in the stinky Point '99 or Plaid in the T.B. Mucas Centre, 2000??
I'd love to see Richie Kavanagh.....
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
2/28/2003 2:07 PM |
Actually, funnily enough, a couple o me mates were on the way down to Wexford in the jam jar one time and all of a sudden, overtaking them was an aul Datsun Cherry towing a trailer with Richie Kavanagh on the back, singin and playin......it's really true
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
2/28/2003 2:27 PM |
Ah yiz are all only whippersnappers, the old fart said. Sure wasn't my first gig The Police in Leixlip Castle, 1980. ( It were all fields around there in them days. ) Interesting support..Squeeze, John Otway, some crowd called the Moondogs, oh, and a young up and coming Dublin outfit called U2.
And the Police were great, despite the antics of the silly c**t who thought it'd be a great idea to throw glass 7 - Up bottles at the stage ( this was in the days before you got strip searched going into a gig. )
Ah, there's been plenty since them days. I have to say some of the best gigs I've been at were in the Baggot Inn - Paul Cleary and the Partisans, The Bureau ( Dexys spin off band ), Something Happens ( some great Whelans gigs from them too ), Scale the Heights / The Beekeepers ( anyone know what happened to those guys ? ).....
Worst gig ? Oasis at the Point in 1995. Going through the motions doesn't even begin to describe it. "C'mon our kid, let's get this fookin' s**t out of the way so we can get to the pub."
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/28/2003 2:45 PM |
Ha ha ah ah aha ha aha *lol* some real classics there.....The Thompson Twins.....Milli Vanilli...WOW!!...Ok ok I have to confess I got dragged along to Kylie Mingogue in the point depot when i was about 14 - me and my mate got freebies (well that's my stroy anyway) and we thought fu*k it - why not...so we went and were the oldest there by about 6 years...I was never so embarrased for someone in all my life as I was for her that night (Kylie not me mate...) cos she had about 20 dancers with her, this massive stage set, complete with catwalk-type runway built in, and changed her costumes about 50 times ....all that and there couldn't have been any more then about 100 people there...in the point depot...all kids with the parents standing at the back..now THAT was cringy...can't believe I'm confessin this.....I feel....relieved. Ha ha ah ah aha ha
Peace03 i was at that Plaid gig in the TBMC - what a night - I spent the whole thing in a haze...got to the point where i was proclaiming my love for the wall ha ha ha ....
....Did anyone see Add N to X in the TBMC about two years ago.....or Broadcast?? THose gigs really really impressed me....trés chic!
2/28/2003 3:17 PM |
Jasus Christ you got me thinkin dromed, I think the first gig i was ever at was Oasis at the point( i was a late starter). At the time it was great because we all thougth we were liam and Noel but looking back im not so sure.
The most suprising gig i was at was Arthur Lee in the ambassador around the time of the world cup, f**kin magic. The gig that change my life and musical direction was Primal scream in the point. The presence the noise and passion has still to be beaten and I dont think it ever will in my opinion. I get emotinal thinking about it..
Also Underworld at creamfield's was electric but the yoke's did help!
king of nails New Member Posts:85  
3/1/2003 12:11 AM |
for a kick-off, i admit, i've seen westlife, live...beat that!...i had to bring my little sis and bro to marlay park so see them among other toss at a free gig thing (Q2 will back me up on this, remember!) and after waiting for hrs. the horrible little weasels came on and 'played' about four songs, then f**ked off leaving me perversely wishing they'd played more...it's just waiting for something for so long, even so reluctantly, and then getting ripped off like that was a disgrace...and my bro and sis came up from bleedin' wexford for the pleasure!...for f**k's sake...
anyway back to music, it's really hard to pick the best gig, probably kristin hersh acoustic 1998...it felt like she was playing just for me, you know the feeling...
nick cave and the bad seeds in the gaiety 1999 was heavenly, apart from a pair of hateful bastards sitting near me who had an entire conversation all the way through...that reminds me of another pair of f**kers who tried to have a conversation with vic chesnutt (my favourite singer) between songs...pathetic...no wonder the last song he played was about suicide...
yo la tengo in vicar st. 2000, unforgettable, and they stayed around chatting for ages afterward...
tindersticks in the olympia 1999, stuart staples is enchanting, every breath he released was laden with agonised passion, incredible...
whipping boy in the UCD bar 1994ish, one of my first proper gigs and an unforgettable show, what an atmosphere and what a performance...fearghal was insane...
a lot of gigs are very disappointing cause you expect so much beforehand, eg. the recent teenage fanclub and sparklehorse gigs, the magnetic fields in 2001...the trash can sinatras 1999 - they played pretty much all new material which no-one knew (all of which was unfortunately never to be heard again alas)...
david kitt in the ambassador in 2001 was a great night...
a band called athlete in one of the tents at witnness last year, also mercury rev at witnness - i'm not a huge fan but that show was amzing...
er, this is a thread that people are really ramblin ' on, er, on...
dromed, i would have loved to have seen add n to x that time...and as for robots playin' keyboards for the thompson twins, jesus, what's that about?...although that would work for add n to x now that i mention it!!...
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/3/2003 9:52 AM |
"Plug me in, plug me in" "Plug me in, plug me in" "Plug me in, plug me in" "Plug me in, plug me in" "Plug me in, plug me in".....
.....Add N to X....so profound! Ha ha ha ah..great band! They were actually supposed to be playing with two drummers that night - they had been on the tour before - and that was one thing we werer dyin to see in the TBMC but they kept to just the one...still a good gig tho...vocoder's galore!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
3/3/2003 12:00 PM |
Nice on King of Nails, just had a wave of nostalgia thinking of brilliant Whipping Boy gigs long gone. Particularly memorable were those ones in the Project Arts Centre in Temple bar. About 4 rows of seats, no stage an an open space in front of the band. YOu could literally stand right in front of them. Some energy in the crowd at those ones. It was bring your own beer too. God bless them.
3/3/2003 1:10 PM |
Of course I'll back you up on the little bro/sis on the Westlife thing King of Nails, but you were "perversely wishing they played more"???? I thought I was bad enjoying Robbie Williams.
I will never look on you in the same light again..............
3/3/2003 1:12 PM |
My first time was when I was 17 in a back garden on an autumn night with a girl I didn't really like in the first place. What happened was........oh s**t, we're talking about gigs. Oopsie.
3/3/2003 2:37 PM |
the first gig i ever went to was cast in the tivoli in 95 , classic gig!!!id say the best gig i was ever at was primal scream in the sfx (first nite) also the verve in the sfx ah jaysus the memorys are flooding in as i type i nearly forgot about the happy mondays also at the sfx f**kING AMAZING NITE (galway was amazing to), also belle and sebastian @ the olympia was a good one