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OK, so we at Cluas promised you major league fireworks for last summer in our preview a few months ago. And whilst it wasn't a bad summer, there were a lot of disappointments out there. This also seems to have been reflected in the slight down turn in world box office during the last 4 months, despite rising ticket prices and the increase in multiplexes.

No matter, we say, because the winter season is starting to fire up with a rash of promising films for all ages. Here we take a look at those that will be likely to fill your local flea pit, as well as a few whose future might not be so certain

The Grinch

How the Grinch Stole Christmas PosterJim Carrey might have had a slight miss this year with the surprisingly lackluster performance of the inferior Me, Myself and Irene, but he is back in perhaps the only guaranteed blockbuster of the winter. He plays the titular Grinch, a character form the prolific kid's writer Dr Seuss, who happens to hate Christmas and decides to steal it. Directed by the reliable Ron Howard (Apollo 13), and boasting truly incredible make-up effects, The Grinch has the pedigree to make it big. Also, test screen audiences in the US have been giving it consistent raves. Its only stumbling block may be its lack of name recognition abroad, as Dr Seuss is a much bigger name in the US then he is here.

Charlie's Angels

Charlie's Angels PosterWho would have thought that this could be any good? This film has the worst pre-advance buzz of any film this year, its tales of onset bust-ups and budget overruns eclipsing the fact that its three stars (Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu) only ever wanted to make a fun, female orientated action movie. However, a witty trailer and the tireless promotional work of its three stars gave it an enormous $40 million opening weekend. The word of mouth is extremely positive as long as all you are looking for is a fun but dumb film. Scorn has been heaped on first-time director McG for his confusing, MTV style editing, but the three stars have come out smelling of roses. Particular praise has been given to Diaz's wiggling rear in one hilarious dream sequence.

The Cell

The Cell PosterJennifer Lopez, revealing outfits, serial killer mixed with sci-fi plot trappings and buckets of gore. You reaction to this film will depend on your response to these elements, because trust me, this is going to be a 'love-it-or-hate-it' experience. It did middling business in the US, opened weak in Britain and has had indifferent reviews. So why should you see it? Well firstly, Lopez is one of the most promising actresses around (I cannot say enough about her in Out of Sight - go see it NOW), and secondly, this is supposed to be one of the most visually rich and inventive films ever. It could be worth seeing, but proceed with caution…

Little Nicky

Little Nicky PosterOk, I have been forced to put this up here. I don't like Adam Sandler. Apart from The Wedding Singer, I think he is a very poor man's Jim Carrey. And those annoying voices he puts on…ARRGGHH!!! But in the interests of being impartial, I am including him here, simply because it is likely to be one of the biggest comedies in the next few months. Sandler plays the moronic son of Satan, who is sent to earth by Dad (Harvey Keitel) to stop his brothers from wreaking havoc. Its been met with surprisingly muted reaction in the US (It made an uncharacteristically low $16 million in its opening weekend), and since Sandler has yet to truly break out from the US, it looks like this could, hopefully, die a quick death. YEEAAYY!!!

Where the Heart Is

Where the Heart Is PosterThere is always room in the multiplexes for straight down the line chick flicks, and this is definitely one. Starring Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd and Sally Field, it's a story about a young girl (Portman) whose life is turned upside down by an unexpected pregnancy (I probably couldn't come up with a more lazy plot summary if I tried). You should see this film for two reasons - Portman and Judd. These actresses are two of the few who can combine their looks with talent and should have no trouble making long-term careers for themselves if they want it. Otherwise, it sounds slightly hackneyed, but it was warmly received in the US, so who knows…

102 Dalmations

102 Dalmatians PosterThe sequel to the live action hit from a few years ago is going to be big no matter what I say. Glenn Close is once again Cruella DeVil, who is released from prison and determined to get revenge on those darned puppies. Expect LOTS of cute doggies, supreme hamming from Ms Close and a happy ending. Oh yeah, and Dalmation bags, pens, toys, sweets, McDonalds tie-in…

The 6th Day

The 6th Day PosterArnold isn't dead or old!! See, here he is running. And jumping. And yes, even firing a gun!!! Hah, and all those pansies like Jean-Claude and Sylvester are trying to grow old gracefully by doing more 'character driven' films. HAH!!!!! OK, I am being sarcastic, but Arnie is getting on nowadays, so much so, that I find myself wondering if he won't break a hip whilst running after a much younger, fitter and no doubt regenerative young stunt-double. Oh well. The plot uses cloning as a device to give us two Arnies, and no doubt it will be competently directed by Richard Spottisewood. But it just sounds so tired, so hackneyed that it is going to get something really good to get me into the cinema for this one.

Meet the Parents

Meet the Parents PosterThis has been the shock blockbuster of the autumn in the US. Spending 4 weeks on top of the American charts, and with glowing reviews, Meet the Parents should do equally well over here. Ben Stiller plays Glen Focker (yes Focker) who has to undergo the time honoured tradition of meeting his new in-laws - a former CIA agent Robert DeNiro and his flaky wife Blythe Danner. Cluas' own American spies have told us that it is a hilarious screwball comedy, with a lot of painfully realistic scenes thrown in as well.

Unfortunately, the really fun and interesting movies, ie, the ones aimed at awards won't be available over here until February or March. However, in January, both Unbreakable (M. Night Shylaman's follow-up to The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson) and Traffic (Steve Soderberg's reportedly brilliant new film, starring Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas) are due and are well worth looking out for. Information on both are sketchy, but top secret screenings have produced very promising results.

As usual, Cluas will keep you up to date on any new developments in these films. We will also take a look forward in December to those films looking to charm Mr Oscar.

Ian O'Sullivan